I Like The Sound Of Peace


Honest to God I do feel bad when someone dies, I know I sounds like an asshole some times but that's actually how I feel, I must be honest as we said, I don't feel sorry when extremist die, I don't feel sorry when any of the Zionist IDF terrorist organization dies, I see them as human devils and if all if them died I wouldn't miss a minute of sleep, what I would like to see is all foreign troops leave other peoples countries to be, let them take care of business by their own, the US forces in the Middle East are there to help no one but the Zionist regime, Americans are there by the will of the Zionist that's why they're there, u think it's better for everyone to leave and isolate the Zionist imposter apartheid regime and let them learn a lesson they're so eager to get soon anyway, that's how I feel, because you need to understand something here, they're doing to get punished for what they have done there's no way out of it, so why prolong their suffering let's end it sooner, now you might say it's the Palestinians who are suffering not them to that I say, we are collecting it all for the right time to unleash the anger upon them Zionists and the more that gets collected the bigger boom so let's have them wiped out sooner then we all can have the best party in Jerusalem, no drugs are allowed ! 
