Israel Is ISIL !

Let's not forget who created and aided ISIL from the get go, the Zionist terrorist movement of course, have you ever seen ISIL shoot even one bullet towards any Zionist Israeli target, hasn't happened ones ! but we have seen ISIL terrorists in Israeli hospitals where Shaytanyaboo visited them and comfort them.
People need to wake up to the fact that the real enemy of mankind is the Synagog of Satan the Zionist regime.
The Synagog of Satans plans are to put the Abrahamic faiths mutually finish each other off, that's their grand plan, and Fox News Newsmax and the rest of them are part of the Synagog of Satan, they're not Christians, they're Zionist, unfortunately too many people have fallen for the Zionist narrative and now believe they alone are the right guide ones, they will have a rude awakening, it's not just them, there too many people in the Abrahamic faiths and outside that have fallen, the Indian Hindus same thing with these people, they have always been useful idiots for these same who are behind the Zionist movement, brainwashing the indians to fight and die for their cause, it's sad but true.
