Israel Is Losing Watch This !

The Zionist terrorist Israeli IDF is losing the media and ground war all at the same time, I don't believe Hamas has lost 20% of their fighting forces at most 10% maybe, from what I am reading the number of casualties are equal on both sides with around 1500 deaths on each side, this is not so bad numbers I would rather see for one Palestinian martyr a million killed Zionist terrorists but we can't get everything in life but God willing the numbers will improve with time, I wish I could be there to help out myself perhaps who knows in the future God willing but as for right now we have to give the Palestinians our moral support the best we can to let them know the world is watching closely and are most proud of them for taking everything these Zionists are throwing at them, the fair and God fearing people regardless of what faith they're following need to stand with the oppressed and firmly against the inhumane oppressors so God can be proud of them, it clear for all with open eyes too see who the criminals are and no one should encourage criminals to thrive anywhere or risking these same crimes and criminals to get to harm themselves too thats why it is so important to support the Palestinians against the Zionist criminals this Synagog of Satan, now if you are part of any of these intelligence services you know how crooked and corrupt these bodies are, you don't have to be like them higher ups, you need to be better for yourself for your family for your country and most importantly for your Creator who is observing it all and is writing everything down to show us of our decisions on the Judgment Day and you don't want to stand there with all this guilt knowing you could have done something but didn't, you know right from wrong why don't you live your life after what is good and sustainable not after these most destructive lunatics, they're good for nothing but to corrupt and eventually destroy everything around them by starting destroying everything around those farther away first you don't need to assist them in that what you need is to always be better than they are and it's not hard at all I wish you all the best and good luck trust in God and trust in humanity of mankind because what have been corrupted can be undone.
