Israel Is Murdering More Journalists

I have always been a strong advocate for freedom of speech, people should be allowed to say what ever the hell they want, nobody should be exempt from critisizm and if someone is then perhaps the person in question have deserved it more or less, people shouldn't take it personally this is a good opportunity to change for better, it's better for you and for those who have been critisizeing you, but going after journalists but above that going after their families to silence you by murdering them is something only the worst of the worst the most vile disgusting most uncivilized most wild most EVIL someone can do and this is precisely what the Zionist terrorist Israeli regime is doing time and time with no regards of what the world has to say as if they're above all laws and they bitch constantly why anti semitism is in the rise and why the world hates them so much, and lest not forget, the Ashkenazis are not semitic, they have zero semitic blood in them, they have convinced themselves they are Jews from Middle East, absolute lunatics, Synagog of Satan that's what the Zionist portion of them are, absolute evil therefore the civilized world we must all unite and as advocates of freedom of speech and as people of what is just and fair we must report on these stories and facts for all to realize the true matter of things, we cannot keep on going lying to ourselves for much longer, they world is in such disorder which shouldn't happen in this day of age, we have a wild group of people who think we are still in the dark ages and can invade and occupy other peoples lands by drive them out in front of world cameras right there out in the open, this madness of Zombieism has to stop it just must we can't allow a bunch of criminals go about their crimes while the world is watching it on their screens, I sure he'll won't have it because it affects us all, you know its true we are the ones ending up with the bill, it has to stop.
