Israel Murdered Journalists

I am very sorry to hear about another journalist or their family members getting directly murdered by the hand of the Zionist murderous satanic Israeli terrorist organization IDF, I think it will be justified to treat Zionist Israeli journalists the same they are doing to real journalists on the ground while Zionist Israeli so called journalists are anything but real journalists, they are in fact spies and military agents of the Zionist regimes terrorist organization IDF, that's what they are, they're military personnel therefore I think it's justified to have them taste some of their own medicine.
Look you need to speak the same language they are while you have to be better at it or these Synagog of Satan human devils will only escalate to never before seen levels.
When I hear news of these Zionist demonic Israelis are going after peoples family members to get at you these things not even the mob did or even jihadi group except MS 13 and the lowest of the low which the Zionist murderous satanic Israeli lunatics are now a proud member of, again shame on those leaders who are still supporting these evil Zionist Israels, the world is keeping records of everything happening, the tide is slowly but firmly changing direction soon they will taste salt water.
