Listen To The Rabbi

I agree with everything the rabbi said except the definition of what a Jew is, being Jewish is a tribe historically that's what it has always meant, the term Jewish was used long before the Ashkenazis converted to Judaism, this much we know, the reason Ben Gurion said there is no definition of what a Jew is because he knew the history of the Ashkenazis which he was himself, he knew he nor his ancestors were from the Middle East but from eastern Europe so he didn't want to encourage the Ashkenazi to dig deeper into the question for people to find out the truth and if the Ashkenazis found out the truth with now modern means they would question why in the hell they were told to migrate to the Holy Land and also who lied to them about their history not being real Jews, that was why Ben Gurion said forget about it let's first occupy the Holy Land first when that part of the mission is finished then perhaps you can ask questions later who you are and where you came from, by that time the mission is done and too late to be kicked out the founders of Zionism thought, and on that point I strongly disagree because I do believe they can and must be given a wakeup call, as I have said the good Jews the good Ashkenazis all the good anti Zionist Jews are welcome to live and worship in the Holy Land as they please, where there will be no room is for the he Zionists that includes anyone served in the IDF terrorist organization and the settlers they will be kicked out head first or without heads first whatever they choose.

Listen friends, I hate myself when I am forced to use this violent language I really do, but I am a realist with high sense of humor I mean morals lol seriously, the way I see it in situations like this you need to speak the same language they speak to get the message through, you understand I hope, these are absolutely crazy people Biblical speaking they're The Zionist Synagog of Satan I don't take it lightly its most serious stuff folks it's not a joke of any kind.
