Mark Is Lying Again

Mark is a piece of shit, a Zionist terrorist, he and his Zionist murderous satanic overlords are claiming they have killed nine thousand Hamad fighters yet they have not managed to produce one single dead Hamas fighters corpse to prove the fact this even after they have occupied Gaza on the ground, the truth of the matters is the Zionist terrorist Israeli IDF are scared of the fact that 90% of Hamas fighters are still live and kicking with around 1500 killed IDF terrorists on their own side, not to mention with around 150 destroyed military vehicles, this venture of the Zionist terrorists to wage war has been so costly for them that they have no clue how to dig themselves out of this out they have created, with northern Israeli evacuated with no hope of returning, with the war in Gaza with almost all Hamas fighters left and more popular than ever before, with more and more people condemning the Zionist regime also on their own side with young Jews turning against the Zionist ideologi I don't see how the Zionists come out of this not damaged bruised with lost of confidence with confusion of what the future holds for them are all thoughs that energizes me with hope to see the crushing fall of this unholy imposter apartheid regime occuping the Holy Land sooner than perhaps expected Amen to that and we all can thank this human devil in shape of Shaytanyaboo and his Zionist Israeli supporters, what we are watching is historically speaking a mega event watching the fall of Synagog of Satan before our eyes again Amen to that, God is good and GREAT, wonderful.
