Mike Wallace Of Ireland, take a listen !


My thoughts exactly, for some reason it seems like Germany always get drawn to whatever is extreme out there, one reason can be that the Third Reich never died but exist well today, it can also have something to do with German narcissism thinking things will always turn alright in the end, I met couple of young Germans a few years ago we talked a bit then from nowhere the senior of them turned and said, we Germans will take over the world, I replied, from what I remember last time a German entertained similar ideas we know how it ended up with him and the Germany that followed him, trust me when I say there are crazy German nationalists who think they can give it another try to repeat what they tried a couple of times in the past and failed miserably and now this Olof Scholz acts like a big boy doesn't seems to realize a war with Russia means a couple of nukes and there is no Germany or Germans to entertain grand ideas for the future, when the Germans will get their acts together and reject extremism in all its better for them, you don't need another world war starting once again from that part of the world you Germans, we don't need it either, you are to blame for WW1 and WW2 and may God forbid WW3 too soon and for your support for Zionism too c'mon now when will it end ????
