Rogue Regime Of Israel

The Synagog of Satan have no regards to international laws whatsoever it's a rogue regime and must be condemned for its remaining time left standing.

The captives should be released in fifty years or not under twenty see if these Zionist demonic Israelis like it better this way, these people are just evil to the core, I saw one of the parents of these criminal Zionist Israeli captives say on tv, first we should negotiate to get our people released first then we must go back and wipe them all off, when this brainless parent said this I thought to myself, these Zionist murderous Israelis are not just evil they must be the dumbest creatures roaming too, and these lunatics think their criminal Zionist Israeli captives will be released after these statements, these people truly live in their own medicine land I wonder what's going on in their minds what they're thinking or they don't think at all they just react to their evil nature, it has to be it wallah.
