Satans Chosen People

I have said this before I'll say it again, I see the same sickness in Eblis in the Zionists, just as Eblis knew very well he's gonna be damned for questioning the Creator these same Zionists know deep down the whole world is turning rapidly against them, they know the only reason they have been able to sustain themselves was because of the massive global deception they pulled in people, the mask of this deception is coming off with no chance of getting back on, the Zionists know this yet they insist in their wicked sadistic nature to kill and oppress those weaker than themselves, it's the same sickness Eblis is suffering from, I wouldn't want to be then Zionists after they have been defeated, I don't think anyone can hold back the anger of the masses around the world, it will be nasty, it will be bloody, it will be historic and no one will feel sorry for them.
