Shaytanyaboo Said This

It looks like Shaytanyaboo is the one in charge ordering the US to this and that and the American politicians bow to his will even the president, it's no surprise he is by now used to having his will obeyed by especially American politicians and many European politicians as well, what Mosad have on these politicians is all for debate, I am sure nobody likes him but for some reason they just can't disobey him especially Olaf Schols chancellor of Germany, that guy it looks like his whole body shakes when he is granted a visit with Shaytanyaboo, wonder what they have on him but I don't think the problem ends with Shaytanyaboo in office, I think this Zionist cancer of a entity which has occupied the Holy Land is the problem I also believe peace in the Holy Land is then world peace and as long as Synagog of Satan rules there mankind all around the world will continue to suffer gravely I do believe that, I can only imagine when that satanic Zionist Israeli imposter apartheid regime is defeated and world peace comes as result how enormously happy mankind will be, prophecies call thst age for the Age of Plenty where no one will die of any sickness no poverty absolute minimum taxes with clean water for everyone and all the other good stuff, but guess who is in the way of our progress, the luciferian Zionists.
