Shaytanyaboo Said WHAT

It is obvious that Shaytanyaboo is losing his mind over the domestic pressure to get the Zionist captives back, which Hamas shouldn't agree in till the Zionist terrorists retreat back to their rat holes and after they have released all Palestinians they have kidnapped, unless this is solved I don't think Hamas shouldn't return the captives, judging from news on the ground the Palestinians are doing a marvelous job killing Zionist terrorists why should they start negotiating with the Zionists when they have the upper hand, we know if the Zionists had another prime minister other than Shaytanyaboo the war wouldn't have happened and if it happened it wouldn't be as bad as it is for both sides, it is in the interest of Shaytanyaboo to drag this on but he shouldn't best all the blame when we know 90% of the Zionist Israelis also want to have this war to continue and if they want war then they shouldn't expect their Zionist terrorists to be released either, that imposter apartheid Zionist terrorist illegal demonic entity is damned and cursed by God as an evil Zionist entity it is, so it's only fair for the whole Zionist Israeli entity to suffer the consequences of their wicked nature they possess, they think they're unique they think they're above others they believe they're the chosen people they want to live in isolation as pride they're fine live in isolation and don't expect empathy from no one either, and they question why the entire world hates them, if they cannot see why that is do you deem them intellect though to answer any other questions correctly I don't think so they must be the dumbest creatures on the planet and the most evil ones too, being dumb and evil what a Zionist combination couldn't get worse than this we have with these people, now if you are a former Zionist Jew rest assured God likes you very much and if you believe in Him and do as prescribed then He will love you tremendously rest assured of that.
