So True 🤣

I don't know why I am commenting on this but the man is spot on, the local Hawaiians are the most racist people I have come across, they fuckin hate anyone visiting that place, the white people there are some of the nicest people I also have come across.
The locals there are like this, one can just walk pass you and from nowhere he can get a inch from your face yell like a lunatic at you saying get the hell out of here, never happened to me personally but I have seen it a couple of times myself, it's crazy seeing it happen, I am sure you guys have heard about captain Hook, the guy really existed, he was a British sailor, when he and his crew landed at Hawaii the locals ate him up and returned his bones to the Brits, I have no doubts they would do it today too if they could, they hate foreigners so much I am sure just to send the message some of them would do it again, I have visited a few islands in the Pacifics all the Islanders are cool but the Hawaiians are just another species totally unique, it's true what this guy in the clip is saying, they are lazy as fuck everything they consume is shipped to them they do nothing productive over there but eat and get fatter by the day and on top of that they're racists as fuck too, sure with tourism living there has got more expensive but they for the most part are living on governments assistance anyway and for those of them who does work for a living they have benefited from it they shouldn't complain too much, here is how it is, a third of them if they could kill you right there and get away with it would that's how bad it is, two thirds are like the first bunch but wouldn't kill you and the last group are more or less like normal people but over all its crazy over there, the white people are super nice and cultured their blacks as well very nice people.
