Take A Chill Pill My Dudes


I am sorry to hear people have died but we also need to be saying like it is, they're mercenaries, they knew what they signed for, kill or be killed, and how is this s terrorist act when the Iraqis have asked these mercenaries to leave their land yet they refuse and when the landlord pushes them to leave the land why are they now the bad guys I don't get the logic of it.
I hate to see people go to war because this won't be walking in the park for anyone, the Zionist Neocons I don't want to call them conservative in any way the right term to describe them are Zionist Globalists with a satanic agenda, these traitors to mankind including the American people they have brainwashed are the real destructive bad guys lunatics, they're the real terrorists here, occupying peoples land and act as if you owe them something too, same thing they're doing in the Holy Land and everywhere else around the world, don't get me wrong I am very fund of Americans except what the FBI tried to pull over there I liked the people very much the real conservatives liberal and the loonies on the left all of them very nice and kind people, my kind of people, ok I am gonna say it right here, by God I even like the American people more than I like the Iranians what more do you want me to say I am honest here so naturally the last thing I want to see is war between these crazy people, I hope cooler heads prevail because I am pretty sure regardless of what this report say, Israel did it lol right 👍 let's blame it in them fuck it.
