The Zionist Regime Did It !

If ISIL doesn't take responsibility for this terrorist attack then it has to be the Zionist terrorist Israeli regime with hired terrorists like they have been using in the past, regardless the Zionist regime is behind this terrorist attack, they murdered over hundred innocent Iranians and they must pay a heavy price for it.
This kind of things really pisses me off, targeting innocent civilians like this, what's their crime only a devil worshiper could do something like this only the Synagog of Satan could do something like this.

Ali from Berlin was asked to explain what he meant with inside job and as you saw he deflected the question because the intention of Alinwas to just throw an accusation out there to smear because he's is Zionist agent.
I don't think for a second that this was an inside job because first of all what would the motive be, certainly not to blame it on the Zionist regime, there are more reasons to politically attack the Zionist regime than you can possibly write in a book, I think only a backer of the Zionist regime would suggest a silly thing like that.
It has to be the Zionist terrorist Israeli regime behind this with hired terrorists.
