This Is Too Much

Very brave mother, good on her, it's a bit contradicting when she say she want her young son to be taught the meaning of becoming a good man when she bursts in dressed like a tramp herself, what kind of role model is she pretending to be, I did say alot of black girls dressed like this in the US which is most distasteful if you ask me but I guess that's their new culture there nowadays, I liked not only the blacks but everyone back in the 20s when they all dressed with class and look how they have gone backwards now instead of progressing to something better it's a damn shame.
If you're a young lady reading this, why don't you dress with class and see how people around you will treat you with the respect you deserve, I hope that's what you want be treated with respect.

I also think it's a good idea to let these extremist know they can keep their sexuality outside classrooms, they are forcing it does ones throats as entitled as they are, this has to be resisted.
