To President Trump

Dear President Super Trump !
I saw your post where you used the given real name of Nimarata Bangalor Haley in your critisizm to her, I am going to let you know how to give nicknames to opponents in a striking way for it to stick and be effective that way for your advantage, there are many methods to use for giving nicknames to opponents, I am not going into all the secret here for the reason that our opponents are equally reading this, what I can advice you on is, you need to give a so called middle name long side the main nickname like in the case of that hypocrite Haley, I used her real name Nimarata and for the name to be rememberable I also referred to her point of origin which is Bangalor so the full and proper way to moch her you need to call here Nimarata Bangalor Haley, see what I mean it also sounds catchy and hopefully this will stick on her and I promise you if you from here on refer to her as such on stage everywhere it will cause a massive short fuse in her bird brain and she's all yours baby, they don't call me the master of nickname for nothing and don't you mind if you misspelled her real name the first time it happens to the best if us it also happened to me if you can believe it.

You're the man President Super Trump 
