To Uncle Joe

Dear Uncle Joe !

What's going on in the neighborhood, the neighborhood in the Middle East is a mess as usual all thanks to this idiot Netanyaho I call him Shaytanyaboo it means the Devils donkey neet right 😊 because he's a total selfserving psychopath, nobody likes him not even his own people likes him upon that his wife looks like a carton character, have you seen Shrek's wife, I'll send you pics later you gonna laugh.
I ask you not to designate the Houthies terrorist because they are simply not, they are only trying to get back at Shaytanyaboo whom we all dislike anyway, he's the cause of all this mess, I'll ask you not to designate them terrorists because I am sure one day relationships will be restored to a friendly one and them we will all regret name callings so on so forth, it's not necessary to designate them as such, look if it wasn't for that piece of work Shaytanyaboo none of this would have happened, the reason nobody trust or even like him is because no matter how nice you are to him if he have something to gain he will stab you in the the unholy place, that's the kind of soulless criminal he is with no honor to speak of, so don't aid him by turning the neighborhood worse than it already has become because of him, and the Houthies can be nice and ONLY go after Israeli ships and no one elses, how does that sound, I think it's a good idea if I can say it myself and I hope you agree, only Israeli bound ships, you're the man uncle Joe, keep the peace 🙏🌹
