

I understand geo politics is one thing not to be discarded there are nation states with their own agendas but unity between people of faith in God and what is just should be dismissed as something only heads of states are capable that can grant us because they're just so righteous and rightly guided, which is absolutely not the case from what we have seen this far, I think and this is my own opinion, God will only reach out to His loyal servants when they realize the humanity in them is also within all if mankind, because we all share part of His soul, and if we can't get along because of silly things like nation ethnicity what denominations we subscribe to, if we constantly argue fight about these silly things and create chaos within this collected body of soul why would He ever reach out to these glorified monkeys, it's better ten to let them remain what they think they are, of course not all these glorified monkeys will remain what they thought they were but will reach out to be reached, God willing that is, we can always hope, and we know God have all the time in the world and is no hurry, I'll say it all depends on us to change course not relying on any of these useless heads of states to bring about stability, tell me if I am wrong.
