Who Are You ?


We have said this for longest time, the Ashkenazi white " Jews" are originally of Khazarian descent, meaning they are of Turkish tribes of central Asia, just as the Azari Turks are not real Turks but if an Iranian decent they after a couple of generations after the conquest of Persia by the Turkish Mongols the Azaris forgot their real origin and started to describe themselves as Turks, let me ask you this, does the Azaris or the "Turks" of Turkey look anything like people of central Asia, of course not, then how come they say they're Turks, the reason is they after a while forgot who they were, same thing with the Ashkenazi so called Jews, they are not semitic they have no business in the Holy Land they don't belong there and because they're such crazy entitled warmongering racist for the most part they'll get kicked out or whatever remains of them they way came were shipped in, back to the sea.
You see people after a while forget who they are and we're they came from, it happens all the time, the Turks the Ashkenazis are just one exempel, the Pashtuns is another exempel, they were Arabs who moved in and settled there now they call themselves Pakistani or Afghans, the Kurds is another exempel, they are also a mix of everything from that area, you would be surprised how much mongol blood they have also.
The main issue right now is the crazy Ashkenazis who Jesus for told they would come, saying they're Jews but not they're lying they're the Synagog of Satan, because Satan have a hand in what's going on in the Holy Land right now.

Another thing, the " Palestinians" today are not the Palestinians talked about in the Torah, the real Palestinians immigrated from west to the Holy Land, even the Palestinians today forgot who they are and where they came from.
