You're Worth More Than This

I want to be fair, to be honest although I get very angry at times at all those Jews not Christian Zionists but the Jewish ones who say they're Zionists I know they do so out of lack of knowledge but also of the fear mongering they have been conditioned throughout their lives, being bombarded with Zionist propaganda that Muslims are out to kill every single one of them if they do not follow the roadmap their Zionist overlords have paved for them to follow or else I acknowledge what that kind of fear mongering can cause in a human being, like in this case where the Zionist regimes mainstream media is programming their viewers that the Palestinians sexually molested their women and children, beheaded babies burnt people up alive, when a Jew gets bombarded indiscriminately like this and when Jewish children are programmed to kill Palestinian children in kindergartens and on tv shows in form of songs of course all these things affects you growing up fearing anyone else but your own tribe, these methods any other cults use too to keep their cult members in check so they don't wonder off too far, look I have always said, before you form an option, you need to spend EQUAL amount of time on both sides then you can be more certain that you haven't missed anything for your own good that is, and if you cannot see that it's actually for your own good then I am sorry you are s dumb person regardless of how smart you think you are, next thing is and perhaps the most important thing, never ever trust anything from any damn mainstream media from anywhere, they're all a bunch of crooked souls serving each other but you, if you understand this then you're on a good way getting somewhere in life otherwise you're just wasting bullets, so if you haven't turned your tv off by now I suggest you start there, good luck
