Arnold Schwarzenegger Takes The Colbert Questionert

I know dear Arnold struggles with the question of mortality, he said once he doesnt want to let go of all the things he has acquired, for me the answer he gave was a bit surprising cuz of the many relevant movies he had played in, sure he never wrote the script to his movies but surly he must know the meaning behind the stories and the characters in those movies, I would say to him to detach himself from the material world because none of the many things he has been given in this world were never his anyway, what belongs to the world you will be forced to return back to it goes for all of us, preparing ones mind over the fact makes one live and finally leave this world in peace of mind, knowing everything is still in good hands, best of hands, and isn't this what really matters after all, he should worry about what he is on his way to instead of worrying about what he is about to leave behind here, it reminds me of the second chapter of the Holy Quran, in the first chapter He speaks of what He is, its a short chapter just a few worlds in the second chapter He goes into the first pillars in faith and what we should do and think of before anything, He goes on to first say, believe in the unseen, establish prayers, and GIVE of what I have provided for you back to the world, its very interesting if you analyze it closer, first He start with saying believe in the unseen, on this verse we can talk for hours alone, what is the unseen, in short, we are not alone, there are many other things outside of our vision, meaning angels different dimensions you name it, again I am trying to keep it short, then He goes to say establish prayers, what does this mean, I'll tell you, think of it this way, someone comes to you and say, I'll provide you with your sustenance, you dont have to work 24 hours a day, all I ask you is to give me a call five times a day, each call is five minutes, what do you say would you agree on these terms, someone is ready to sustain you pay your rent your bills and all you have to do is to give this person a five minute call five times a day, of course you would, who wouldnt agree, its not much to ask a wise person would think, its a great deal, and what would you say during that five minute call to this person, I presume you would be kind and thank the person for his generosity, tell him he is great and all that, then you hang up and a few hours you repeat the thanks giving, establishing prayers also means you think of the kind person who is sustaining you a wiser person would even have this kind person on his or her mind even when its not time to call him, thats also a kind of prayer in itself but picking up the phone and give a direct call is of course more respectful, one would think right ?
The the Lord goes on in His third commandment to remind you to (give) of what He has provided for you back to the world, in short this means charity !!! it also means none of the things you were given authority over was handed to you in trust, to see what you will do with it, will you think of the world of the unseen meaning as one example your soul and the eventual place it will go to after this material world, will you give Him the call of thanks giving, will you be a good manager of the material things you were given to see how you will distribute over ??

Here is something that I just cannot get my mind around, most of you dear readers of this are for the most part intelligent people, well read people, I am sure most of you have read hundreds of books, all kinds of books, novels to autobiographies fantasy books romance and thrillers, here is the question, here comes a man who claimed the most powerful entity in all existence spoke to him through an angel and this is the book and the words, and most of you are not even interested in picking it up and read what is all the fuss about it, whats the deal with this book some billions of people claim is the word of the Creator, I dont understand some of you, its just a book, order it online and find out if it make sense or not, what are you waiting for !!!
