Hello Friends

 Hello friends !

I have come to be in peace with some of my beliefs with regards to geopolitical events and some of its actors and some of this that I am going to have in writing here will come to I hope not shock some of you or surprise some of you but before I start to say this I want to be again clear why and always why and how I base my assessments, personally before anything I compare my final judgment on what God would say about the solution to the problem, and from what I know about how events are conducted and the reasons behind it and who is behind what I have come to learn a thing or two I also have come to recognize hypocrites quite easy specially religious hypocrites, those are much simpler to point out because their scriptures say something but their religious leaders acts in a exact opposite of what their own scriptures have told them to conduct themselves in these situations, and today I want to draw your attention to some of these religious hypocrites, exposing these religious hypocrites does not mean that I am aiding their adversaries I believe when God is pleased with us individually or in a grander gatherings thats when real solution to our corrupt world will be granted us to take us out of the mess we ourselves have created because after all we and only we are to blame for what we have created aided by conspiracies from left right behind us or right in front of us, but ultimately we are to blame nevertheless, I have zero trust in politicians or any damned religious cult leaders or any other leaders to save us from what they have been conspire to bring about, it would be naive to seek their help to what they have advocated for I hope we are on the same page on this one because if you want to go to the core of the problem thats where it usually takes you to, to our leaders and who is aiding and advising them to take certain decisions is another matter but on the surface these leaders should take the blame for everything, I also dont think we should waste more time on their own blame game on whos fault it is between themselves, lets just agree that they all are to blame thats how I see it, they all let us down not once but over and over again like its a tradition of theirs we have come to get used to, so today I am going to talk more about these religious leaders and their organizations so lets start with the Houthis of Yemen.

As some of you are aware of the main slogan of the Houthi fighters is, God is great, Death to America, death to Israel, curse on the Jews and victory to Islam.

I find this very troubling and not worthy of a religious resistance group to be this ignorant of what their own holy scripture have stated in this regard when they spew nonsense like they are, to start with why curse the Jews, where in the Quran does it say curse the Jews or anything like or close to it, the answer is nowhere, the Houthis and they claim they are "rightly guided" well all these religious cults are regardless if they are Jews Christian Muslims or whatever, because we are starting with the Houthis here thats who we are going to stay on for a while I think, and why death to America too, as if there are no good Americans or good Jews that does not deserve to be offended with these statements, why generalize like this, what I found very disturbing is why havent any of their Houthi cult leaders change this main slogan of their fighters by now or why didnt they stop these ignorant statements before any of these fools start to use it publicly, this indicates to me that there are si, mply no wiser individuals in their gatherings starting with Mr Houthi himself to the rest of them in their mist, and this is actually a huge problem because these hypocrite Houthis are hiding behind Islam which have advised them to be better than this and not offend a whole group of people, as I said this little slogan of their is most problematic because of the consequences of the rest of their beliefs and the way they reason around other subject matters which also are built on a wrong stem a weaker ground to stand on which leads to weaker nonsensical arguments and again these hypocrites are under the impression that what they are doing and saying and how they are conducting themselves is ordained by God Almighty, and this is where I have started to take an issue with these people because I know God is observing it all and He will ONLY bless those who are not first of all making Him look bad sort of speak and again not the hypocrites down here, for those many hypocrites He let them regardless of if they invite His Holy name or not go astray and get lost in their ignorance like I see in the Houthis and many others as well, He or the Palestinians do not need the empathy of Houthis or anyone else, they Palestinians who are not purely innocent themselves are in need of the mercy of God to get themselves out of this mess, they dont need me they dont need you they do not need any of these hypocritical religious cult leaders they need the mercy of the Almighty and when that decree comes only He knows, only when He sees fit, but lets go back to how the Houthis reason in this time and situation.

I truly believe the Houthis have found the right time to come out of their shell and go global with their whatever cause is, so they took this opportunity have themselves seen heard and be part of the discussion and seek some sort of legitimacy in their growth, I think what is going on in the Holy land have little with why they are attacking all kinds of cargo ships in the Red Sea because they have no effect on anything but angering those who have taken the side of the Palestinians and in their struggle to seek justice, this is the exact opposite effect on what they said publicly would have, and these morons are insisting on targeting basically any ship on route, I dont see how they are helpful in making the Zionists look bad and not themselves I just dont see it, and the fact that these idiots cannot see that by offending all Jews how that would be helpful defeating the Zionists too, I see recognize the good Jews to be absolute essential the key to defeat the Zionist movement, the KEY ! and one must be intelligent enough not to offend these good Jews in any way but these dumb drug addicts the Houthis and yes they are all on drugs they all chew this Kat that makes them high and they cant live without it as many of you know, they rather starve to death but wouldnt give up this drug use of theirs and you want me to believe these morons with no clear mind of what they are saying and doing are rightly guided by God, give me a break, I see THEM as being cursed by God, why would God favor anyone with no clear mind to reason in the right direction, He wouldnt we all know that, He have stated so in the Quran which these Houthi hypocrites are claiming they stand behind, but the ignorant Houthi fighters aside for a moment, the problem I have is none of their so called learned elders and so called religious scholars have told them not to use drugs and not to curse all Jews and shout death to a whole nation like America, and the fact that none of their cult leaders have not issued such statements tell me their cult leaders have another agenda before serving Islam and here I start taking a huge issue with these hypocrites, they can claim they are doing this for the right cause but I dont believe that for a second, I know better, the Houthi cult leaders seek to advance their own political agenda over anything else, thats whats going on and the equal or bigger hypocrites of them all the mollas of Iran are aiding this another hypocrisy in Yemen in Iraq and other places, its a growing Luciferian cult if you go deep in the subject matter like I have for longest time thats the conclusion you would also come to I hope, as I said religious hypocrites are the easiest ones to expose among other hypocrites, so why there still are of those who are giving air under their wings to advance this criminal activity I know why and its rather complicated and those are the ones I want to turn to in this letter, they know these cult leaders are up to no good they know they are corrupt as it comes they know they are not serving what it is good and sustainable they know with their policies they are harming a whole nation including themselves but because some of them are actually gaining financially they keep their mouths shut and aiding in this criminal unholy enterprise, and these hypocrites are claiming they are on the right path, there are a few categories of hypocrites to be honest, I just told you one example here, I suggest these who are still aiding these religious cult leaders to open their eyes and fear God instead of these other losers, they should put their trust in God instead of hoping these criminal cult leaders to somehow save the day, they should strengthen their faith in the Almighty who is observing nations and its people constantly and because they have chosen the wrong path why should He show mercy towards whose who have not reached out to Him but to these corrupt religious cult leaders instead, this is why we all are struggling and see no radical change for the better instead we see destructive forces like in this case the Houthis come along and make the situation worse for just about everyone out there, you see what I am talking about ?? So I am NOT supporting the Houthis any longer, I have nothing positive to say about them and I deem them as a destructive actors and whatever comes their way they deserve it unless they make a Uturn and start doing the right things and saying the right words until then they all can go to hell for all I care we dont need them, we dont need those who are destructive for the cause, they are NOT part of our Resistance, they are part of their own molla assistance whatever, I also recommend you not to give aid to them in any shape or form, instead expose their hypocrisy and you dear readers should put your trust in God more actively and not these hypocrites.

God willing tomorrow I'll talk more about the mollas of highjacked Iran and beyond, stay good and may peace and blessing be with you.   
