Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley | Full Debate

To address all these questions we have to go back in history of who these redhead white Caucasians are who claim they are semites and if the Holy Land belongs to them or not, when I look at rabbi Shlomo over here, I bet my life my head that he his family nor his ancestors have zero Semitic blood in them, he is no Semite, so whats going on over here, this should be the first question on anyones mind of you have a functioning mind that is, and if you like I have come to the conclusion that this fake Ashkenazi "Jews" are no Semites then everything they have to say from hereon should be dismissed your honor, then on the question of the Holohoax, Shlomo is claiming 10 000 "Jews" got burnt to death by the hands of the Germans, from what I know in Auschwitz they had only six small ovens to burn things in, it would be impossible to cremate more than hundred corpses a day, not 10 000 a day, you are an absolute moron if you believe 10 000 got burnt a day, these same Ashkenazis are once again lying about the numbers, from the evidence we have the Jews in the hands of the Nazi Germans were treated good, they ate good they played football with other teams in Auschwitz and other activities, this much we know from Jewish captives by their own testimonies, they dont want to air that on the mainstream media but we have seen it countless of time.
On the question if Hamas should stay in power or not. I deep down do not like Hamas, what I do recognize because I am a thinking rational person and this is my opinion on the question, its not a simple yes or no question, my thinking is, if you create an open house walled in prison like Gaza you automatically make sure the most of the extreme factions take power to counter the extremes the Zionist Israelis have subjected them to, its NATURAL, as many of you know, the Gazans themselves do not want Hamas in the Gaza strip, but the Zionists have left them with no other choice, in the West Bank because those Palestinians have not been subjected by a group like Hamas they are way more popular of course, because they are not under the same pressure as the Gazans are, if they were they would turn against Hamas and the rest of them too, so again if you ask me if I want Hamas around, I in short would say no I wouldnt, but I do understand the situation and why they are there, to in their dumb primitive way resist the brutal occupation of their dignity.
Next question is, what have Hamas achieved thus far, have they been productive, have anything improved for the Palestinians the past 75 years or is it more so that whatever these dumb Palestinians have done for the past 75 years resulted in more loss of live land and blood, they answer is, these idiots havent achieved anything with anything they have done up to this point, and this is a major problem, this tells me their leaders their so called thinkers and strategists must simply be some of the worst anywhere ever, it seems like they cant do anything right especially in this latest attack by Hamas, it was the dumbest move ever made, absolute morons, well some of you might say, Hamas delayed the Zionist Saudi peace agreement, thats the only thing they can point to, my opinion is, the Zionists and the Saudis will after a short while go back to business as usual, the only thing left for you is 40 000 dead Palestinians civilians homes broken hearts shattered, you have achieved as usual absolutely nothing.
I have stated this before, this is what I would have done, I would have verbally protested these peace agreements between our phony Islamic leaders with one another, let the Saudis have their peace with the Zionist entity, let the Emiratis have their way too, what the hell let the mollas of Iran also join the party of this peace of theirs with anyone they want, what this will finally result my friends is the pressure cooker to blow all the valves when the Ummah sees the hypocrisies of yesterdays statements compared to what they delivered us tomorrow, this is what FORCES the real Resistance to unite put their foolish religious differences aside and march towards a final victory against THEM ALL,, because right now you are all sleepwalking in circles.
I have also criticized certain groups for slogans coursing the Jews, Ashkenazi or not, I believe when God willing we get some traction with our Jewish friends again Ashkenazis or not, when they finally wake up also to the fact that YOU like the rest of us have been lied to all our lives and trust me, I am familiar with this pain as you can ever imagine, this awakening will be what leads us to our salvation, that we were something else than they made us believe, it has and will be a difficult journey for you too but you will come out stronger than you thought, but more importantly than anything, the truth has to be told regardless of what, we have to WAR ON to whatever end thats the mission and if we all together do this right I am of the belief that we can win this war for justice for all because if you as I do that all roads leads back to the Holy Land then you know its only one way to victory, we need you all, its NOT an Jewish Christian Islamic thing, its a JCI thing baby, a united efforts to bring the House of Satan down.
