Katie Debates Antizionism With Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

Very interesting discussion with many important point being raised, as you know Katie is a secular nonreligious Jew and and rabbi Yaakov a religious Jew, both anti Zionists with their own flavors of what that means being anti Zionist, Katies position revolves more about direct oppression of the Palestinians and also the concept of the fact that the Zionist entity is an apartheid state which should be dismantled so people there could live under one state because Katie is not afraid being oppressed by her Arab Muslim neighbors of such a state would come about, rabbi Yaakov look at the issue from a religious point of view, in basic terms he say, what have God to say about this whole thing, and if you listen to his arguments you get him better, I tend to agree with the rabbi here on his points and solutions but I want to go on and add my own point of view and a couple solutions as well on how to deal with this Zionist plague altogether, I know some of my suggestions to solutions and the outcomes of it will I hope not be offending, and if this is the case I need you to prove me wrong, its nothing personal whatsoever, I want to go to the dept the core of the problem here and I believe if this would trend with what I have to say would be devastating for the Zionists, but before I go on with some suggestions and then to some solutions we again need to go back in history because after all, at one time a problem any issues had a beginning lets go there and see where it will take us, and again prove me wrong historically with at least evidence to support you opposite point of view on historical facts and if you cant then you can learn something of what I am about to say here. Once upon of time there were these Iraqis who moved to Canaan, the name of one of these were Abraham later the grandfather of Jacob AKA Israel, they were told by God to move over there as they did because they were righteous good and kind people the locals who lived there before they came greeted them and they lived there and thrived, a bit forward in history they were invaded by all kinds of armies, the Babylonians the Egyptian then the Romans, at that time these Semite Hebrews moves in small numbers west wards to Greece to Rome and all the way to Spain, note something here, they moved and stayed close to shore, where the merchain cities were, long side the Mediterranean Sea, these small numbers of Semitic Hebrews they never settled north inland but around the coastal cities where the money were where they felt comfortable, again a few centuries laters the Mongols rushed in from the north east and forced the Khazars north of the Caspian Sea the new converts to Judaism to flee westwards, they settled in north central Europe, they stayed in Polen for some time, fucked everything up there, pissed off the locals there, then these Ashkenazis moved to Germany same thing there fucked up there too and to the rest of European countries later on to America and as usual royally fucked that place up too, because thats what the Synagog of Satan does, PLEASE if you are an Ashkenazi here this is NOT directed towards you, none of us chose where and to whom we were born to, we are human beings born with freewill to choose who we want to become despite setbacks in life, thats the great test of life you can say, a person can be born in the worst conditions possible by using his or her intellect rise up to become successful, so please dont get offended here, what I am saying here is factual and historical the question here what can we do to reverse the damage done to all of us, you Ashkenazis are not the only one who have get duped here historically speaking, I can give you many examples on people who have forgotten who they were, one is the Azari "turks" they are NOT of Turkish decent a couple of hundreds years ago Persia was invaded by the Mongols and these norther Iranic people the Azaris forgot their native language and adopted the Turkish language and here we are today, another example is, the so called Palestinian people, the actual Palestinians were Europeans close to the Holy Land, they moved in from the west to the Holy Land and because the Romans didnt want to give any credit to the Hebrews in the Holy Land about anything they named the place Palestine and popularized that name, what happened after that a few few centuries later many of the Hebrews converted to Islam and by that time the converts to Islam called themselves for Palestinians, so what is going on today in the Holy Land is nothing less than the Synagog of Satan which is an ideology not a race of people its an ideology keep that in mind !! moved and occupied the Holy Land and continued to oppress the Hebrew Semites which are these so called Palestinian Muslims today, these again so called Palestinian semites with time because they were Muslims now married across the Arab (Semitic) cousins, you see the children of Abraham never got divided as many of you think, Ismaeel and Isaac despite what you believe stood close, their children did so anyway, so again who are these Caucasians who claim they are Hebrews, I have told you, they are not from here, look if you as an Ashkenazi want to adopt any faith in this case Judaism is more than perfectly fine, you want to serve the one and only God, I'll support you in your efforts, if your soul tells you whats going on in the Holy Land is waging war on Gods commandments, you and I are the same, no race shall come in between us, but if you want to stay out of it because you as an Ashkenazi have come to the conclusion that this whole mess is not your problem because you are not a Semite and never originated from there I understand that too, because its not your problem, you were dragged into this mess, and who did that is something you should go and discover on your own, but if you want to be better than not caring and want to set the record straight, I suggest you stay in the fight, realize the facts of who you are first, and in the case of people liker rabbi Yaakov who sees this from a religious point of view because even as an Ashkenazi he want to stay true to his Maker, well thats even better, these god fearing Ashkenasiz like rabbi Yaakov are some of the best of mankind out there, but one thing is missing to become even better, more is need to be done to broaden his view, there is no shame in it, he should take a DNA test and find out who he is then share swords and shields with the rest of us be helpful defeating this satanic Zionist agenda and free the Holy Land then be a full member of those who will inherit the Holy Land, not over a lie but over what is the truth.
Again I hope I didnt offend anyone, I never meant to do so ever.

So in conclusion, I dont believe there is such thing as Israel there is no Palestine I dont recognize any of these flags or terms, I only see a free Holy Land for those worthy to live in it.
