SAVE THE WOMEN OF BICUTAN I made this video because I'm concerned for th...

If you care for justice for the MANY innocent souls trapped in the Philippine gulag Bicutan near Manila you should take heed and go viral with this video which is just the top of an iceberg of how foreigners are treated there, kept hostages for reasons like being a few days behind with their renewal of their visas which they have been kept there for years, yes simple accusations like what I just told you, years in a dungeon sleeping on concrete floors with rats jumping over you biting you not to mention the bedbugs eating your flesh, for the longest time I said people hell on earth is not on land but at sea, then I was brought to Bicutan gulag in Philippines where you are kept for years just to dray you of what money they can extract from you. the whole system is corrupt as hell, where if you pay enough you can just walk out of there no matter what you have been accused of, a month ago a Jordanian drug smuggler who had thrown handgranate on police officers paid himself out of Bicutan and on the other hand those with not that kind of cash with simple visa violations are kept there for in some cases five whole years. In Bicutan the problem is systemic, it starts with the warden then it goes down to the teamleaders and the guards and not least the crocked lawyers imbedded in the system who suck you dry without providing any assistens. The teamleaders and the warden and the guards are so lazy you have seen nothing like it, their fancy food consist of junk food bought by the inmates on daily basis, these lazy teamleaders with the blessing of the warden have appointed two of the inmates to run the daily business of the this Bicutan facility, one is Alan James Linton AKA Kiwi a tree time accused and twice convicted pedophile and another man with the name Conrad Peachson a massmurdera a scumbag an uncle tom straight from movies, these two are the trustees of the warden of Bicutan gulag, they run everything there, so much so that the guards dont have to lift a finger to do anything, with this power they have been given they run the place as if they own it, and in a way they do, these two assholes can leave the facility anytime they want but wont because of the money they are doing there, they couldnt in their dreams make the kind of money they are doing in Bicutan outside, they sell beds they tax people left and right and most of the money they do they share with the warden and the employees there, thats how Bicutan is run meanwhile people are suffering, one is not allowed to have cellphones there, but you can if you pay Kiwi and Conrad, if you are a man you pay them cash and if you are a woman you pay less cash but with other means too, its basically sexual rape, it have come to our attention Kiwi have taken liking of a certain Chinese woman there who he has rapped time and time again with the blessing of the warden and the teamleaders, because in Bicutan there are no free hidden spaces where you can have sex with people, only two rooms where these two scumbags have access to, as I understand it has gone so far that people cannot keep their mouths such over what the warden have allowed to go on in his facility, this guy is brave because if you make a video post like this the warden will force him in isolation which he did with me too, a cage 1,5 meter wide 1,8 meter long, for THREE people, you wont be able to move in it, I have been there for one and half months, to be honest if I could kill the warden I would no question asked, I am being honest about it, I would cut him in pieces, I would make him suffer before he dies, I am sure of every single detainee there would do the same because they are kept there to suffer enough to pay as much as they can, its torture nothing less than that, and I dont take likely on it, I would execute monsters like that then go back to eat an icecream, please forgive my anger right now, people are suffering in Bicutan Philippines and they need your help, 90% of them there are there for visa violations nothing else, they need your help to free the souls kept hostages in Philippines, dont sit there and let this injustice keep on flowreshing there it must stop, both men and women are getting tortured there, they need YOU !!! 
