Uncovering Iraq's religious front for child prostitution | Iraq's Secret...

Hello friends !
The purpose of this letter is to shed light on more religious hypocrisy in this case the Shia cult, after many years of looking into their theology their traditions and costumes I have come to this conclusion that the Shia way does not resemble Islam of Prophet Mohammad in any shape or form, God have stated that anyone who say There is no god but God and Mohammad is His messenger we are not allowed to say they are not Muslims, He said this for division and eventually hostilities to spread then He went on to say creating divisions is absolutely forbidden and on the Day of Judgment He will settle the disputes and punish those guilty of spreading division, because of this I do not dare call the Shias heretics or disbelievers but I am ready to say I do not recognize Islam in their way, I actually would say the Sunni way is much much more accurate so if I were you I wouldnt go anywhere close to the Shia way if you are interested in revente to the right path, my understanding is after the death of Prophet Mohammad Imam Ali should have become the first calif no doubt about it and what the opposition did in persecution of the blood family of Prophet Mohammad was most cruel and sinful and tragic this need to be repeated, but back then the followers of Ali and the opposition never disputed on religious matters none whatsoever, they all believed in the same thing the division was a political one, with tragic outcome as result, after many decades the followers of Ali with the corrupt mollas on top started to add new ideas which had nothing to do with real Islam, today 1400 years later the difference between these two sects is no longer political but religious one, I am not saying the Sunnis have got their politics right in fact very far from it just look at how Sunni majority countries in such political chaos they are in, like in the case of Palestine, not one Arab Sunni majority can get themselves to actively help their Sunni Palestinians and dont be naive the ONLY reason Shia Iran Shia Hezbolla and Shia Houthis are standing with the Palestinians is NOT from their good hearts, its a wise political move and again very little to do with actual fear of God and religion, you see there are a handful of pillars the Shia Iranian dictatorship is built on, one of these has to do with the so called greater reach of Islam according to the mollas which the Holy Land is essential to because ultimately as we say all roads lead back to the Holy Land and even the dumb mollas are aware of this so naturally they NEED to include this pillar in their theology to strengthen and gather more support domestically and abroad for their own selfish cause, if you all remember what the famous slogans of Khomeyni may the curse of God be upon him was he wanted to spread this unholy revolution of his to other countries, and why did I curse him, its very simple, follow me here, first of all we Muslims are very well aware of there are no such thing as a republic in Islam, keep that in mind, then what did God say about the issue of usury, He stated if we deal with usury we have directly declared war on Him, and if there is another more serious warning of God written anywhere please inform me of that because I dont think there is a more serious thing than declaring war on the Almighty, so what does this to do with Khomeyni, well he created an organization you are familiar with called IRGC Revolutionary Guards Corps, these hypocrites claim they are the best followers of God and therefor they and only they are suited to safeguard this unholy revolution of theirs, and what IRGC did immediately was to create their own bank to lend out money on interest and bothers me greatly is these hypocrites use the name of God as their logo, I mean can it be more insulting than this, I dont think so, but the issue around Khomeyni doesnt end here, you see for 1400 years these shias had 12 Imams now after 1400 years after this Khomeyni came along he made himself the 13 Imam too, elevated himself as the 13 Imam and none of these stupid Shias objected to that, I have another issue with this hell dweller  Khomeyni, you see after Saddam attacked Iran three months after the war Saddam offered truce and was ready to give back the land he had occupied for everything to go back the way it was before the war, and Khomejnis answer was NO thank you, we want the war to continue, we Muslims have been told by God in the Holy Quran if your opponent even on the battle field reach out for a truce a Muslim is not allowed to reject that hand, and as usual Khomeyni went against that clear command as well and as result another million Iranian and Iraqi young men got slaughtered, that blood is on Khomeynis hand of course, look friends I can go on and on with not just one bad decision of Khomeyni but its endless with this guy, and you want me to believe Khomeyni was a God fearing man a wise man a righteous man a man who carted for his people, the only thing he cared about was Eblis and I am not kidding here, Khomeyni was a Luciferian, just watch this documentary and tell me how destructive the Shia costumes are and how it have devastated in this case the Iraqi society.
I was in Karbala and Najaf in Iraq a few months ago, and to be honest there are no filthier place anywhere in the world than these Shia cities, when I went to Syria I went to both Shia neighborhoods and Sunni ones, and the Shia places was nothing but a dumpster people with no culture to speak of while I went to Sunni places it was clean and at least they had respect for themselves, same thing in Najaf and thats their main Shia pilgrim destination which supposed to be nice and clean but walking their streets was like walking right over a dumpster, I even saw something most bezar, I saw a family having so called picnic right next to a huge pile of garbage I mean just a few meters away from it, I couldnt believe what I was witnessing, and this highest Shia religious cult leader of their internationally Sistani he lives there in Najaf, his word is law among these Shia, whatever he say they obey, if they call for arms these shias would go to war risking their lives over his word and I was thinking, this Shia hiper corrupt cult leader have lived there in Najaf all his 80 some thing years, and not once have this idiot ordered anyone to clean up this city which one of their beloved Imams are put to rest, so what does this say about these cult leaders, I know what it means because I know some things most of you do not, the fact is this corrupt Sistani is sitting on billions of dollars, and the majority of that money is donated by Iran on monthly basis, there are trusted agents of their who gather millions of dollars through another hyper corrupt molla by the name Shahrestani in Qom he collects the millions and send it by car to Najaf, and throughout many decades no one knows what that money have gone to, nobody knows, all we know Sistani is responsible for the money and its in the many billions by now, he havent spent a single dollar to clean up that shithole of a city of his, and while I was in Najaf I asked many mollas why their city is this filthy withy garbage ALL over the place, I mean its beyond belief, would you believe if I told you since the fall of Saddam that city have seen a garbage truck picking up anything, its that bad, so when I asked the mollas there why their city is this filthy you wont believe the answer I was given, they told me, if people of Najaf cleaned up their city they would be distracted from their religious duties, distracted !! thats what their learned Shia mollas said to me, and right there I thought to myself my God you people are backwards, not only does your religious beliefs makes any sense but it seems that it have dumbed you down to the extend that you see cleanliness as something negative, it seems like these Shias cant do anything right not a thing.
Now to another subject of the Mahdi, we all know what is the message and the duty of the Mahdi, to go after the corrupt ones, the Shia mollas know that too, so lets be logical and ask ourselves this, wouldnt you think when the Mahdi gets activated he wouldnt go after the Shia mollas with all the massive corruption and hypocrisy they are behind, the answer is of course yes, dont you think the mollas are aware of that too, of course they are, so wouldnt be too farfetch to believe the Shia mollas sees the Mahdi as their enemy of friend, of course as their enemy, and wouldnt be too out there to say if the Shia Mollas could kill the Mahdi they wouldnt, the answer is of course they would if they could, so let me ask you again, how God fearing do you now think the Shia mollas are or not, I have proof that the Shia mollas are actually Luciferian, I can explain this very easily but that has to be for another time, for now I hope you have watched this documentary and pay close attention to the names mentioned in it.
