US Airman Self Immolates In Protest Of Gaza 'Genocide'

Good people taking to extreme measures like what this man did really gets to you, sorry to hear, its haram nobody should do take to these means to protest what the satanic Zionists are doing, you need to be reminded EVERYTHING is in the hands of God, when He sees fit thats when He turn the table around, here is my personal thoughts of what should happen, many of us have spent years upon years to combat the crimes of the Zionists and their dark overlords, we havent move an inch closer to any substantial changes with these human devils, dont pretend we have we havent, mainly because there are massive amount of corruption within the groups we have been supporting who have "stood up" against the Zionists, look if you were all seeing all knowing like God is may God forbid that is dont take me wrong, but if you were observing or kept in mind some of His like, not spreading corruption on the land, a simple statement like this and when you know every single of these phony resistance groups are in fact involved in all kinds of major haram activity, look before I continue I can give you an exemple right here before I continue with my point, in Iran a few months ago I had a meeting with some high level individuals, IRGC guys, top of the food chain kind of guys, deep state guys, people sitting on mountains of money and authority people like with a phone call from there they would fix anything you needed help with, that kind of people, they wanted to meet me in person and I am not going to say no, I went there they were waiting for me, they asked what plans I had and they offered all kinds of help that I needed, the conversation were taking a religious tone, of course, you know me, I cant keep my mouth shut when it comes to my religious beliefs, I say what I say and I dont hide anything, I dont feel that I need to, I am not here to please anyone any group but my observant Maker, because again only He is capable to turn the table around and He doesnt like smooth talkers and hypocrites, I began to criticize them over many issues that I see they are hypocritical around, like, as some of you know Iran is an "Islamic republic" and if you know anything about Abrahamic faiths, yes even you Christians, there is no such thing as a republic in our faith, its strictly a no no, and I told them this, meaning your supreme leader is phony, the pillars you built this country on is not only a fars but haram as well, then I went on to question them about the IRGC banking they have got going on with lending out money on interest, I also asked them why they have the word God as their logo on top of the doors to their banks, these guys knew I was asking the right questions and had absolutely nothing to say in their defence, at this meeting one haji stood out, he was wearing a suite with a nice haircut, a well traveled man, he was the money guy, he was the top dog there, when he spoke people paid attention and sucked up to him, this guy didnt like anything of what I was saying but he couldnt say anything because he knew I spoke the truth, this man arrived after I came there, of course he need to make an entrance, he is the top guy after all, before I started to criticize them over their deeds, he and I talked he seemed nice and easygoing wanted to be helpful with what I needed but when the discussion took a religious path I started to see something with him I didnt like soon after I began to criticize them over their banking affairs their phony republic thing and their shia doctrines and a few other subjects, you can say he started to dislike me a bit, ok more than a bit he was just holding back, soon after he rose up and all those around the table with them, because haji had decided to leave, and here is the fun part, he said goodbye to everyone there but me, he didnt even look in my eyes nothing, fine by me, the feeling was mutual fuck him, he left and I was left with a couple of them others, I got the feeling they wanted to attract me to them even after the haji went but again I cant keep my mouth shut,I know what these guys were thinking, this guy is just impossible  I ranted for two more hours spoke my mind and left, and that was the end of it, what I want to say is this, in life God test you, test all of us to see if we bend before corruption or not, what I see in all these so called resistance groups many of you naive people give air to, in my view you are all failing the test, thats why we havent moved an inch closer to defeating these human devils, so what is to do you ask, my conclusion is this, first of all I dont believe in violence, I dont believe what Hamas the Houthis or any of these do is the right way, if it was up to me I would allow this injustice just continue, it doesnt mean we have to stay silent, we must expose these crimes but in a peaceful manner, always, I dont believe is helpful to block streets highways to protest whats going on, what have the innocent people in their cars on their way doing their business have to pay for what you have to say, you are the oppressor there just so you know, perhaps this parent need to get back to his family over something important or just tired after work and you hindered him to get back home to rest for another day of hell next day, what I am saying is, dont give reason for one single soul to dislike you, you do that you have lost the humanity in yourself and for others, so make yourself heard but in a peaceful manner, so back to what needs to happen in my view, you see these Zionist human devils they are fiery in their nature and coursed by God, they are destructive in their nature, so let them turn the whole mankind against them and at the right time, they will be utterly physically beaten down, a historical beat down like never before, thats what awaits the Synagog of Satan.
Dont take to extreme measures, when it will happen it will.
May God have mercy on this guy, Amen.
