Watch Our Subscribers Convert to Islam [Amazing Stories]

I watched the clip and I thought something is missing here that need to be told, although I do understand why CJ and many westerners none Muslim ones can have these feelings when they meet a man like this Bangladeshi taxi driver in UAE getting over joined when they find other people than themselves getting involved in the massive injustice of what the Zionist Israelis are committing against defenceless Palestinians in this case it can be overwhelming for them, the feeling that they are not alone and other people are getting their attention in this struggle will make any man getting a bit emotional, but I want to draw your attention to the other side of the coin, not as a westerner getting affection by a brown man fromt he east but from a man like myself experiencing the affection on white people in the west, and I am talking straight about my own experiences, I dont want to offend anyone here especially the Muslim communities which I am a bit disappointed at, you see in my travels the winds brought me to many times places I had no intention to arrive at, thats the beauty of sailing you see, half of the time you plan to get from this point to another but during the way you end up at a completely different place, people asked me this question many times of how many times I had planed to go to this place but ended up at somewhere else, I said around 50% of the time and thats the truth, perhaps less than that to be fully honest, all I knew I need to go from east to the west for as long as I could to see where I would end up at, my primary plans were to meet peoples from different cultures see what they were up to how they lived their lives and understand mankind a little bit better because something Prophet Mohammad said that had stuck to me was, in Mecca back then there were only a handful of people who were literates, most of them were simple people, one time a man came to him and began to brag about his education level and his wealth, it is told that Prophet Mohammad asked him to talk about his travels and less about anything else, he wanted to see if the man had seen the humanity in him in others as well he wanted to see what other things he had learned about other cultures that he could bring back to his people to improve them, not to think the world revolves just around you and your pride, there is a lot of wisdom in this question he asked, this question got stocked in me too, I wanted to see with my own eyes the soul of other than myself, and got on to a surprise that changed my mind for I think times to come, you see I didnt began sailing with a lot of money, I was always struggling with this or that, mainly with repairs because when I started to sail I had zero experience in sailing and definitely not sailing through long distances, its one thing salling for a day or two near coasts but its something else when you in winter time think you are man enought o get thought the North Sea in freezing waters with a T shirt and shorts, of course because of lack in experience you break stuff on your boat, it can be very costly, thats basically by story, I fucked up so may times I lost count, I arrived at many countries mainly Christian lands, an Iranian with Iranian passport an expired one hehe because thats how I roll baby yet at any Christian country I arrived at, I was treated very kindly even by their authorities, starting in Portugal where I stayed for three months, beautiful place with even more beautiful people honest to God, their immigration police everyone were super nice to me, I am sure they knew about my story yet they treated me with kindness and were super helpful, long story short I ended up in Porte Rico, US territory, super nice there too with their authorities and just as nice with the civilians, then as some of you know I came to North Carolina Trump country, conservatives, super nice kind and cultured people, loved the people there too, for a reason or two I ended up in California, where I was it was super Trump country too, all conservatives as well super nice people there too but I was told by someone that the FBI were being assholes behind the scene, fine no problem, I came down to Mexico with no issues super nice there too, love the Mexicans, Hawaii next then Guam later on in south Philippines, what I want to say here is this, and I dont want to offend any group of people, I am just speaking from experience here, during my journeys I got in to many kinds of trouble, when I turned to Muslims to assistance to mosques 100% of them turned their back on me, and I mean 100% of them while basically every single Christian I turned to they showered me with whatever they could to help me, so I am thinking about what CJ is telling about his experience with the Muslims and I as a LOUD Muslim in Christian lands when the should have at best ignored me they instead treated me with not only respect but with all kinds of help as well, I am not going to writer here about details which I will when my book comes out, I constantly thought about why that could be, I am a lost traveler which God has (commanded) Muslims to take care of in clear words, how come 100% of the Muslims did the exact opposite while the Christians were obeying the commandments of Allah without even learning about it in their own Book, what is God trying to tell me here, I think I know some of it, and it goes back to what Prophet Mohammad asked the man who was bragging to him about his wealth and how "learned" he was, I learned it doesnt matter a bit if you Muslims shout there is no God but God and Mohammad is His messenger till the day you die, you still havent got the point, perhaps you never will, some of you will most of you wont, this much I have learned about this community who got the clear words of your Maker, most of you were born foals and will die as donkeys at best, because the word cheratry is not in your DNA not truly but in the Christians from any spot in the world I found it myself, some of the best I found in south Philippines, my Philippine sister is Christian but so better of a Muslim than 99,98% of you, again I am speaking about where the winds brought me, it was out of my own will, dont blame me God brought me there to show me something, and it was beautiful, if you learned something here I leave up to you, I know what I was shown, I saw the humanity of children of Adam and Hawa in a broader form and I wouldnt trade it for anything else, I can also tell you this, this is not the end, it will have a continue.
