Antizionist CHALLENGES AIPAC Fave Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz For Cong...

I have a proposal how to fight back IPAC money, I suggest you set up a fund an account a gofundme whatever nationally, something very transparent where people can donate money to, with the funds collected you go on to counter the corrupt bribes of IPAC to candidates, of course those in charge of this set up all have to work 100% for free with zero salaries, 100% of the funds goes to candidates and people who have donated will have equal votes to whom the funds shall go to, doesnt matter if you donated 1 dollars or 1000 dollars all will have equal votes on to what candidate or even candidates the funds will go on to support, look I am just thinking something out of my mind why dont you refine it better, this is my idea how to collect shit load of pieniandze to stand up against IPAC because something need to be done cant just sit there and complain, you need to organize friends.
