Candace Owens Out at Daily Wire Over Israel Criticism

I have some good advice for both my Jewish and Christian friends to solve the issue around Zionism and what it stands for so please follow me on this because if you do both of you will greatly benefit from this.

In my humble opinion with all due respect the most hard hitting most effective good Jews who wants to be part of a much larger family of human beings is to call out those of your own ethnicity if you are an Ashkenazi who basically control this unholy entity occupying the Holy Land for being Jews by conversion and not Jews by ethnicity, acknowledging that you are not Semites, if you want to practice Judaism thats perfectly honorable if you actually follow the laws like one shall not steal and obey God when he ordered you not to divide up His land meaning the Holy Land, and if you want to remain a non practicing "Jew" thats ok too, I am not your judge your Maker is which you are going to find out in time anyway, I say it again, remain an honest God fearing person or just an honest person you as an Ashkenazi still need to call it out for what it is so we can once and for all shut down the debate around antisemitism which the Ashkenazis are accusing real Semites and none Semites of, honesty can be brutal but not as brutal as these Ashkenazi extremists are, I dont need to remind you of how much harm they have caused all around the world.

To my Christian friends my advice is following, I know because I have followed this for a very long time, both of us are aware of in your Christian sermons at church, the preacher spend three fourth of the sermons on this individual Paul, thats what you hear of the most, the reason is Paul westernized this faith of the Christ, because if he hadnt no one west of the Holy Land who already hated the Jews for their first of all Laws traditions and rebellion against the Empire would have accepted this faith from the east, if you are familiar of the story you wouldnt disagree with me, Paul changed EVERYTHING, made it appealing to the pegans west of the Holy Land, Paul claimed God came to him and revered His previous laws, I dont have to go into all that you know what I mean, and if you knew more about Pauls history you know better what I mean, if you are well learned you would agree with me on the fact that if Paul never had claimed what he did, more Jews would also had accepted the Christ, because of him and the changes he made and of those Greeks who wrote the New Testament and some contradictions in it no sane Jew would have followed the Christ, so what do I mean with that, its simple, if they wouldnt have claimed Jesus was God and changed the Laws which Jesus said he confirmed, because Jesus was a rabbi, a rabbi follows the Law !!! you havent seen one rabbi in history who have changed the Laws ever and I claim Jesus never did either, so if these changes wouldnt have accrued to westernize this faith I can bet you so many more Jews would have accepted the Christ for what he was, but when you say Jesus is God right there you have alienated 99.99% of the Jews to accept Jesus, so you see my friends, this act cannot have been heavenly ordained like Paul have made and I dont have to further explain to you how much harm this little or rather large issue have caused problems around the world in our history on this planet with Jew hatred with religious wars over the Holy Land and in lands far away from it, think about what I am saying here and if you are open minded not closed minded you know the course of history would have looked much different than what we have gone through up to this point, I still havent explained the point purpose of my advice to you friends which I promised that you have absolutely nothing to lose on if you actually follow it, my advice to my Christian friends is following, I advice you to disregard Pauls teaching altogether, instead follow the Jesus you know in the Bible alone, empty your mind of what you have been taught and only replicate the Jesus of the Bible as best as you can and the man he was and follow his traditions, you have nothing to lose, I need you to think about, what about Paul was wrong about everything he said when he changed the Laws, if you still as a follower of Jesus only followed his own teachings and nothing else you still would have followed the right more secure path with much less chances of being mislead because you have to give it even a 1% chance that this man Paul could have been wrong, but if you only follow Jesus the rabbi you would have eliminated even that 1%, I would argue its not just 1%, I would argue that its much off than that, way more, because as I said, no rabbi in history have ever changed anything and Jesus was the most high ranking of all rabbis, I have explained to you about Jesus celebrity status in his community as a child when he was the only child allowed in the Temple arguing with the rabbis, I also explained to you no child was allowed to be in the Temple but because Jesus as a child knew the Laws better than the rabbis themselves they were fascinated by his knowledge of the Laws so they couldnt kick him out if he spoke nonsense, the rabbis looked for a reason to kick him out but couldnt also because the whole community were familiar how knowledgeable this little kid was, everyone knew him very well, so you dont think this kid after teaching the Laws to the rabbis that he would turn around and change it all of the sudden like Paul claimed do you, I hope you are smarter than that, I would also claim, it wasnt jesus Paul saw in the desert, it was someone else who visited him, and the course of history was forever changed not for the better after that and here we are today.

If you two groups of people follow these perhaps not simple but necessary changes I promise you all, we have changed the world for the better after 2000 years and more of misunderstandings, but we wont be finishing with this, there are other things with many others that has to change too, we will come to that, everything in its due time, just be honest with yourself and then to the world and things will turn around for the better, better for you and those around you and then for the world we are living in, good luck.
