Daily Wire CEO Slams 'Piece Of Crap' Candace Owens #TYT

A lot of Candace Owens here today, somebody inform our friend Candace of what Jesus own words when he was asked by the rabbis if he was king or not, and what Jesus answered them ' My kingdom is not here but up there with my Father' I am paraphrasing, Jesus is telling you all he is not the ruler of this world, he is not king here, his kingdom is elsewhere not here, I guess you can still call him king, but remind yourself not here so dont expect him to come down here again to rule but will sent down to set the record straight around other issues, like what he really is, I hope you still do not put words in his mouth because I am reminding you of his own words, you can honor him by paying attention to his own words and do as he say or you can go your own way with whatever risk follows, your choice. 
