Elon Musk Struggles To Admit We Are The Baddies

I have expressed numerous times the fact that I really like the American people, I like both the conservatives most of them, and I like the lefties too same thing there most of them, what I dont like are extremes on either side, who wouldnt you would think, at the same time I also am honest trying not to hide any of my views, lying and deceiving is not my thing, so I want to express another time what I believe will happen to Babylon the Great which is the US, the judgment of God will upon that land not because as some believe the US is the best there is, if the US was the best there is why would God focus on the US, the thing is because some do not want to take lessons from Scriptures you risk repeating keep sleepwaking making the same old mistakes over and over without realizing why things happen unexpected for them, so me drawing your attention to what have been stated in the Bible regarding the fate of the US is not my words its His, complain to him, and for any wiser person they without even referring to Scriptures they see how the US system and as an empire is about to fall, the US like any other empire in its drunkenness and arrogance over extended all parameters there is so naturally this bubble will burst, what will come after that is the good question, I am sure you interested in history have noticed after the fall of one empire the following empire lasted for a shorter time than the previous one, now the American empire have lasted for 80 years lets say, the British one lasted for 300 years, so whatever comes after the American one will last much shorter than 80 years, perhaps just a couple of years before it falls too, what I am interested is the one that will come after that one, that will last longer, it will be good times then, but before that people need to understand their mistakes of past because nothing good will come before after the great awakening, but for now you are between two deaths, a death that is inevitable. 
