Emperor Putin

Why France has chosen to become this hostile to Russia nowadays history will explain better than I can right now, I have been around for some time now, I have followed all these events mentioned in this propaganda piece and a man must be honest or you are just a Zionist incapable to speak the truth and I hope there are more men out there than Zionists and by men I mean truth tellers seekers of truth than human devils cuz only then mankind have a chance to get up on its feets, I couldnt find two sentences of truth told here except the names of personalities that one they got right, here is my question which you also should ask yourself, if President Putin is so bad as painted in this propaganda piece then how come 80% of the Russians fully support this man, you know as well as I Russia is not a totalitarian society, they Russians have access to the Internet as you and I they are not closed off from the world to say the Russians are not informed of anything therefore they worship their actual elected leader, the 80% approval rating tells me he must do something right for his people to still despite all the propaganda still having his back, this 80% approval rating is something western leaders wish they had, the reason they dont is because of propaganda pieces like this because the westerners they are well informed too, they recognize bullshit when they see it and these unpopular leaders in the west feel they have to take to these measures to smear their opponents and as always it backfires forcing their own people to distrust them more than they already do, my message to my westerns friends is this, may God forbid if war breaks out a massive one that is do NOT enlist in the military go to jail instead and if enough of you rise up they wont even be able to fine or jail you because this is bullshit happening, I could point out to any segment of this propaganda disinformation shit here but its unnecessary because as I said the only correct info here are the names mentioned 99% the rest of is is absolutely disinformation, whats next that Arab terrorists brought down the World Trade Centers and Building 7 and not the Zionists, is that next ??
Why the Zionists controlled in the west just cannot live and let live like normal people I think Holy Scriptures explained it best, the Synagog of Satan is released upon mankind, Tribulation times people ! will you stay true and pass the test or will you take the Mark of the Beast, Mark of the Beast means also crypto currency which Russia has been or are being adopting, here are well chosen words about crypto, first of all its a ponzi scheme, its a mean of investment not to be used as real currency, its based of speculation, those invested in it are the real winners if you can call them winners we will see on the Day of Judgment on that, when it will crash and it will everything eventually will eventually then you who invested later in time will be left with nothing, a wiser leader would warn and shield its people from investing their last pennies the future of their children in something that will eventually benefit those on top of this ponzi scheme, a wise leader know the backbone of any nation is the well being of its citizens, when the backbone of these working class citizens are broken and we have seen it happen too often when poor people have even borrowed to get into this scheme and lost everything with no chance to get up on their feets again, this should set a warning to what more is to come, I dont want to imagine when huge masses of people lose their works living I dont want to imagine what chaos and instability will will cause in any country, a wise leader should realize this ring of power given to them there is a more powerful ring controlling the rest of the rings handed to our leaders and this greedy lightly speaking is not looking after any of us, it wants to see us all fall down with it, I hope leaders take a step back and rethink what they have done, I hope they pass the tribulation, I can draw you another analogy here, a wise smart intelligent hopefully a leader well read from Scriptures they know how the art of magic came to mankind, it was sent down by God through angles in Babylon, the angels said they were sent from God to teach mankind how to cast spells, they also warned mankind not to desire to learn what they have been granted for their own good, a very few greedy corrupted ones they went to these classes of magic most didnt they stayed outside, God never abandoned them who chose to stay outside, He sent them prophets with words of a better way to go about their lives, you might say why did God sent this test this knowledge of magic to mankind to begin with if He hadnt no one would have been aware of it and things would be fine, well you are missing something because when God sent Adam and Hawa to this planet they werent sent alone, a whole bunch of evil Jinns were sent down with them, and these Jins had nothing better to do than make sure the offsprings of Adam got in trouble, these Jinns were very well aware of the art of magic they would have taught mankind this if God wouldnt have sent these two angels anyway, so God took the initiative and sent it down before the Jinns could get busy at the same time He sent it with a warning of the consequences if we got close this this fire what it will lead to, as wise and good as He is also sent teachers in forms of prophets to let the masses know of a better way because God always leave one door open for us while the other evil powers closes all doors on us to make us despair which is a sin in itself and which will lead us to take drastic measures that will lead to no good in the end, so you see when God say stay away from something you better listen and do as told its better for all this way, I see trap of getting into crypto the same as staying away from magic, in the end it will lead to no good in my view it will lead to destruction, a leader who wants the best for his people should open these Holy Scriptures and reflect on these passages with words of wisdom to lead its people to a better trouble free future, what I am saying is, dont go close to that tree.
How do you like it, we went from talking about the disinformation of this propaganda piece to magic rings to crypto and to as always back again to Scriptures haha   
