Hello friends !

Didnt God command the Believers in the Bible NOT to divide up His land, meaning the Holy Land ??

So you see people from the Pope Biden or anyone else you have heard are followers of Bibles and the Quran after watching what they say and do you still think they are not as phony as a three dollar bill, you think after going against the word of God not once but countless of times if you still think these people are favored by God you are delusional, I say it again, the Holy Land must not be divided in parts by two phony tribes of people, I said phony tribes because the Ashkenazis are not Israelites and the Palestinians are not actual Palestinians so they are both phony in thinking who they are but the human right of people still have to be respected something Genocide Biden I call him Bad News Biden doesnt seems to tell his genocidal friend Shaytanyaboo which in Persian means, Devils donkey, biden doesnt seems to want to tell him to stop dropping US made 2000 pounds bombs over civilian neighborhoods and stop shooting at civilians in search of food.
