Hello Friends !

You know I woke up this morning and thought in what way can I serve the public best by at least providing them with information that most of them were not aware of and most likely would shock them at least for people who care about the truth and I came to think about this old man Khomejni, its always something with this guy, things that with time it got revealed not by his own stooges but from tapes with Khomejni making these statements, before I continue I want to let you know how actual cults NOT mainstream legit schools of thoughts teaches but actual cults teaches, you see in totalitarian cults they have two doctrines one for the masses and one for those of higher ranks, its always like that, the Shia cult running the show in Iran where they have their HQ same thing there, they have their official doctrines for the dumb brainwashed masses and one amongst themselves, I say this because I have witnessed it myself I have seen it I have heard it I am not making anything up here, one of the things Khomejni taught was that mankind can reach God level highness, becoming equal with the Creator, the concept is called (qari) I dont want to go too deep into it you can do it on your own, so when an everyday Shia hears this that their grand teacher actually said this they would be surprised because an everyday Shia have never heard of the concept before, because its ridiculous what do you mean we can become gods too, an everyday Shia would reject it, as anyone would except other cults out there believing this same nonsense, but Khomejni actually taught this to his little mollas who were about to take over Iran and other places to carry on his legacy, and this concept it wasnt Khomejni who came up with it, there is a branch of the shias who believe in all kinds of different nonsens, we have a branch of them who believe Imam Ali was a god too, we have all kinds of crazy shia cults out there, sunnis too but sunnism more authentic Islam than the Shias could ever be, theological speaking sunnism is much more authentic, politically not to bright actually pretty messed up, another thing Khomejni said on tape its actually out there which you can look up too is when this shia 13 imam of theirs Khomejni actually said and listen to how arrogant this human devil was, you be the judge of it this is what he said, he said the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979 was of much higher importance than what the Mahdi will ever do, a Believer who is well informed is been told that there is nothing more important in basically in human history than what this guy Mahdi will do, his basic job is to free the whole world from evil something that has never been done before, restore order to the whole planet, thats his job, he is spoken about in the Old Testament and in the New Testament and in other faiths too, Jesus said when the Son of Man comes he will do this and that, Jesus never spoke about himself in third person arrogantly, anyways not going too deep into that either, the point is the Muslims believe also in a person with that kind of job, and here comes this human devil Khomejni and pretend this unholy unislamic republic with all its corrupt institutions and there are countless that this unholy entity he created is of much more importance than the man who is appointed to save the whole damn world, when a Believer hears that and everything else this rat bastard Khomejni have stated and done you know you are dealing with not just any man, but a Luciferian top to bottom, a man who believe he can become a god a man so arrogant who believe the mess he created is of such importance that it tops every other event in human history by establishing that luciferian government running the show in Iran right now, I am telling you friends, Biblically Quranic speaking wherever you are, do NOT give fuel to the fire of these luciferians in Iran nor in the Synagog of Satan in the Holy Land, do not get involved in their crimes, stay out of it, take care of your own people the best you can hope for the best so help you help us all the one and true God.
