I am just gonna say what I believe these four are, they are NOT ISIL members for many reasons but hired mercenaries, they are not Jihadis first because I didnt hear any alauakbar from them going around shooting people, second any Salafi Wahabi jihadis ALWAYS shave their mustaches look it up they have long beards with no mustaches whatsoever, third no jihadi goes around murdering people on Ramadan, even the jihadis have at least that much respect because it is clearly stated not to wage hostilities on Ramadan, fourth, these hired terrorists were used to carrying an automatic machine gun judging from the videos how they were wearing their AKs like pros, they had military training for sure, fifth, their story did not make sense, no one just call random people on any app not presenting themselves offering four random thugs to get together and stage something like this, sixth, it is reported that some ISIL affiliates claims responsibility for this we dont know who, and let me tell you something here, anyone can post a message claim to be some ISIL affiliate, unless the original ISIL channels take responsibility for this I dont believe it, to be honest I wouldnt believe then either because we all have seen high ranking ISIL leaders injured in Syria end up in Israeli hospitals for treatments, we have seen official ISIL in Syria wearing Israeli weapons, I am with 99% certainty, these are NOT any jihadis, they are hired killers, the question is who hired them and why were they running towards Ukraine, and on the question that President Putin staged this in a false flag to mobilize the Russian people is baloney disinformation too, the man have 90% approval rating as ityou  is numbers that has demoralized certain people, only unpopular leaders would stage a false flag not someone who already have full support of his people, this is naturally disinformation anyone unbiased can see through these lies, the question is why are certain people trying to spread disinformation like these, why are they not supportive standing up against terrorism when it affects one people, I thought we were supposed to be supportive when an enemy like these terrorise innocent people, I thought we were supposed to share info to capture human devils like these four uglies, there has to be something much larger behind this, I hope Russia figure out who the real masterminds are and share that info with us. I have a good advice for certain people out there, stop supporting terrorism, you only having the ears of a very small numbers of fools out there, the vast majority out there are not as dumb as you think they are, if you are smart enough and run the numbers again if you are smart enough you would understand that this is a losing game you are betting on so why dont you just stop this shit, innocent people have died you fuck faces, people with hopes of a seeing their love ones be next to them as long as possible which you have deprived them of over a foolish game which have lead you nowhere, yes you have gained nothing from this, may the course of God be upon you, you are among the losers, your project will fall, its a promise.
