King Charles praises 'hand of friendship' in Maundy Thursday audio message

I have seen this before, when death is creeping in ever closer certain people all of the sudden start acting nice like Charles here, to him I say, why dont you sell some of why dont you sell some of your expensive tapestries you have hanging on your walls not to help those in the Commonwealth you have stolen from, spend that money instead on those of your country or why dont you go and wash the feets of those less financially fortunate than you or why dont you go live in a poormans house for a mouth without anyone serving you next time you talk about serving others not being served, talk is easy Charles we all know that, you wanna impress us, go get a day job, have you ever physically worked a full 8 hour day in your whole life, of course you havent, only a brainless zombie would take you seriously and soon you are about to be questioned by your Maker, I wouldnt want to be you then, He wont accept your prayers your pettiness nor your repentance, you are so screwed, you are doomed man, monkey, whatever.
