Matt Hoh: British Black and Tan’s Bloody History

Lets go where if you want to cast a blow at the Zionist Luciferian movement to those who can if they get the right information reverse course and pull out their support for the Synagog of Satan, these the Evangelical Christians, with right information I mean what they have been made to believe, that salvation for them comes and I hope I dont have to draw your attention to what that is, the truth of the matter is the topic of ones salvation is the most important topic on anyones agenda, I hope, but some friends have got it completely wrong, listen friends, no good God other than the Devil would have sacrificial offerings done in the most inhumane most cruel manner like burning up an animal alive, this is only something the Devil would ask for not the Creator of us and these other creatures, I hope you are following me on this because if you dont then your mind have been taken over by darker forces which you might not even be aware of, no good God would have asked for that kind of devilish request, I have explained for you some of the meanings behind sacrificial offerings, one of these are, only more well off individuals could spare one of their precious lifestocks to both their Lord and to the poor and needy who would eat better that evening, thats what its about, to give something of value to others, not to torture a poor animal by burning it up alive, another thing I hope you also are following me on is, yes God love to see us all passing the test, He has never in history scarified anyone not even of His prophets to save others, in fact He sent prophets to save others, this idea some friends have around getting raptured and having the rest suffer in the worst way possible is very problematic so let me give you an example or ask you something, lets say the pilot of a passenger plane is an Evangelical a rapture believer the best one out there, he is flying his plane with 300 passengers and the rapture accrues and he disappears the plane is now without a pilot with little children and all, please do not tell me like some of these Talmuds that God would sacrifice even children to save the pilot, please dont, thats not the way it works because there is no fairness in it and I hope we all can agree the Lord is most fair, what I am telling you is, this Evangelical historical speaking this ideology you have adopted was created by a couple of Talmuds, do your research its easy to do, its a relatively new phenomenon never existed before now made a big issue out of it, just as God wouldnt have the Jews dead if they didnt follow your ideology or wouldnt have anyone else dead or frankly speaking scarified to save others, so supporting the Zionists in the Holy Land which again factually speaking neither were the creators of that unholy entity you call Israel hebrews nor are the Ashkenazis Hebrews, I hope you know the Rothschilds created that unholy satanic entity, do I even have to ask you if the Rothschilds ever done anything good and positive in their history why would this imposter entity be the first, its not it never was, their dark lord is not the Lord of all worlds, they worship someone else and that imposter state is their evil love child who have tricked you into believing you are following the Lords commandments, I have told you the children of Abraham are these so called Palestinians, some were Jew some Christians and some Muslims, the Synagog of Satan with its homosexual parades in the Holy Land and every other unholy things they are up to there are the real enemies of the real Semites, you as an Evangelical need to reexamine what you have been taught by your pastors who love this regime in the Holy Land while they never ever bring up the unholy crimes they are up to, why is that you think, because they simply have sold you out, they are misleading you on purpose, what these Zionist Israelis are doing sniping hungry civilians looking for something eat is also like burning up animals works of human devils, not religious righteous folks, I hope the younger Evangelicals who havent been fully indoctrinated by Fox News and these Zionist paid off greedy pastors realize like the rest of us some took us for fools for the longest time, we can all come back to our senses turn around and follow our hearts instead of what they have been showing us from birth, we can turn this madness around we have to.   

The path to salvation has been handed over to all of us to walk through on our own with the information from those like the Jesus like Moses like Prophet Mohammad, they all gave life to others they never burt up animals alive like what is about to happen in this imposter unholy entity occupying the Holy Land right now.

I want to hear what animal rights activists have to say about this and also the Hindus, this is insane with whats goin on we live in an upside world and it seems ok by so too many frankly.
