Meghan McCain Misinterprets Jewish Oscar Winner's Speech, Slams Him Anyway

I'll tell you guys what I am tired of, to appease a few handful of Jews out there by not telling it like it is, 95% the Jews in Israel are fucking out of their minds, its NOT just the right winged Jews like you guys on the left are trying to make it look like is behind all the crazy, 95% of the Israelis are considered whats the word for is, fucking genocidal lunatis, you are trying to make is sound as the left in the US is like the left in any other country which is absolutely not just like the right winged in the US are like right winged in lets say I am just naming a country here, Sweden, the right winged people of Sweden are all atheists with completely different morals than the American conservatives, the conservatives in the US these are people one can get along with, they are Christians with totally different morals than the right winged in lets say Sweden who would like to kill every single none Swede if they could, the right winged of Sweden are all for abortion and the rest of it, the left winged in the US are also pretty chill people while the left winged of Israel are just as genocidal as their right winged and both are hiper secular and anti Scripture, even Shaytanyaboo is for gay parades and abortion in the Holy Land and he is a right winged, so you see on the TYT and other lefties people like Cornel West and others who try to be politically correct in your criticism you have got it completely wrong here, its NOT just the right winged but the left winged who must be blamed too, so I am tired not to offend at best 5% of the Jews when 95% of them are operating on crazy high level no one have ever seen but in every extreme societies which I have a hard time comparing them to right now, and I also know because we are seeing it ourselves, the 5% of the good Jews they dont get offended when we go and speak the truth because they are braver than most of us when they themselves openly criticize the Zionist apartheid ideology and pay the price for it, the reason fat corrupt pigs like Meghan McCain goes on to side with the majority is because that ugly fat pig she knows where she is secure and feel safe at and also where the money is this we must not forget to mention, what we have to do is to show the world that we are the majority and the fact that history is judging, this will not go well for these hypocrite so called Christians, they are not true Christians because if they were they would know God commanded men NOT to divide up His land meaning the Holy Land, its sacreligious to even suggest to create a two states two secular unholy states on that holy ground, I pray to God anyone even proposing it go to Hell in fact I dont have to pray for it, they will go to Hell, as if having homosexual parades in the Holy Land was not enough now they want to expand anything unholy there too, this will not go down well mark my words on this it wont.
