Noam Chomsky DESTROYS Bill Maher's Ridiculous Claim!

Thats why I love Lee Camp and Eleanor too always did great people exactly my kind of people.
The way I personally see it, who cares what tribe to what social group we come from, I couldnt care less honest to God, the only thing that matters is we all come from two people, the first human beings, this means, we all have the same goals, to stand united and turn this prison planet into a mini paradise for all brothers and sisters, sure we have different cultures and we may look apart and thats a great thing, how boring would it have been without all these cultures and all the good things mankind have brought about all the nice things, with all these many cultures and people all of the sudden the world have become a much more interesting place so many new things to discover but getting stuck in ones own cocoon closing yourself of shut away the rest of creation with everything it has to offer you have missed the whole point of your own humanity which exist in all you need to be a total moron, you need to detach yourself that in my view also means who cares where we came from, isnt it enough that we all came from the same parents, another thing that people need to be reminded of that is there is actually a conspiracy going on from all sides to keep us brothers and sisters divided, this doesnt benefit us but those behind this conspiracy and trust me this conspiracy is real as the air you breath, dont let them get away with this crime against us all, I would also advise you when you refer to that little piece of land as the Holy Land, thats the name God our Maker chose for it, lets obey Him and see if He turns things for the better, He said in order for help to arrive we must take the first step so He help us with the second and third steps, I dont think He will change anything as long as we cannot even get a simple name right what about the rest, good luck.
