Now King Charles is MISSING or in HIDING? WTF is happening | Redacted w ...

Something is definitely going on with Charles, of course the gatekeepers around him are fully aware of how little time they have left with him then there is the Kate situation too upon it all they also fear how unpopular the whole shebang is so what are you gonna do the whole thing is a big mess, I dont think they can clean up this chaos so they take to hiding these individuals from the masses, its all good by me, I never liked these freebreathers anyway since we learned they murdered Princess Diana so that this monkey this baboon looking lesser of a human being could officially marry that hag Camila, and how do we know they had Princess Diana killed, Diana told us, I mean how often does a princess officially write on paper that the family she married into are conspiring to have her killed and what do you know thats exactly what happened, poor thing said it and a month later she ended up murdered, whats the chances of that, next to zero but it happened, I am telling you these fucking royals are out of their fucking minds, somebody need to bring them down for being a bunch of corrupt psychotic inbreds just look at the Winsords they all look like baboons and they all got fucked up toxic DNA too they are so weak they all get cancer such weaklings they deserve this, and Charles talk about God and nice stuff while he never mention his close friendship with the pedophiles at BBC like Jimmy Savile a friend of the family like queen Elisabeth said about him and we know her husband was totally a homosexual too this Philip who also liked little boys, I told you this family and those around them are all fucked up, Prince Harry did the right thing to get the hell out of there moving to another continent all together far away from that filth, and now that I am at it I want to talk about Kate and her cancer.
I have zero sympathy for her, I mean zero I couldnt care less in fact he deserves it I think and I will tell you why.
I believe God is the one who put us ALL to test by placing us at positions we are at, the higher social positions the higher responsibility of course, so what about these royals these politicians and over all wealthy people, in the case with Kate, God put her at that very public raised position for what, so that she can spend her days basically doing absolutely nothing of true value for humanity, there are people dying starving all around and what is her job, to keep her mouth shut, is that what she was supposed to do, is this what some of you idiots out there want us to have her respected for, you must be out of your damn minds you little bastards, a decent human being is about to do one of three things when we see indecency, fist is to physically trying to do something about it if not capable for some reason then try to bring attention to the issue and if not capable to do even that well at least you can call it out not as loud as you could have but say something for Gods sake, Kate have done none of that, that ring she is wearing who her ugly useless worthless husband gave her belonging to Princess Diana Kate is not worthy to even stand next to it let alone wearing it, a real princess was the late Princess Diana who actually gave her life for the reasons I mentioned, she was so brave such a good soul she did all three things, she was a warrior she was loud and she brought attention to these causes and eventually they had ner murdered for it, and have any of these fucking lowlife royals ever tried to bring her justice, well we all know they have not, so not Kate who I have no regards for whatsoever, to be honest, I would trade thousands of Kates for just one of those starving children, I mean it, I am so hardened I could watch hundreds of Kates getting executed all day long but couldnt bear seeing one of those starving children at close for more than a second or two, I have even problems watching dogs and cats being in bad shape, I cant to be honest watch animals in pain, but these fucking royals and these others like them, I am so hardened I think I would enjoying them all getting hanged, so with Kate and Charles getting cancer, if you ask me I think they are about to get sent to their Maker a bit to easy and painfree, thats how I feel about them all, no mercy here, but for Princess Diana, honest to God, not only would I take a bullet or two for having her back but also perhaps a limb or two, honest to God.
