Our Country Has Lost It's Independence

As soon as the Synagog of Satan took over management in the US that was the beginning of the fall of the US, one can debate when that began one thing is for sure, many US presidents of the past noticed the trend and made statements about this Synagog of Satan highjacking major industries and thereby influence over institutions, you all have seen the behavior of the Zionists in the Holy Land and many of you are asking why the Synagog of Satan do not seems to care what the world thinks of them, you need to understand the character of Synagog of Satan, they feel right at home with their true dark image, they feel nobody can tell them how to behave at home regardless if anyone is watching or not, they feel secure behind their borders, behind their borders they can be who they truly are, you see these people have been punished by God harder than any other people in history because of this nature of them, and each time they get punished they start their usual nagging and bitching and act as if they have no clue why they have been punished for their own wrong doings and question why everyone hates them, the thing is I personally do believe they have no clue why people dislike them when they pose the question out there, there is one major among other reasons, I think God have pulled a veil over their hearts because of their sinister nature which is taught to anyone who go close their Talmud Kabala Zohar so they can keep on wondering in their darkness as punishment for them till further notice meaning till they are sent to Hell, which they dont believe in, and they also believe the Devil Satan is a good guy, they believe Eblis is doing Gods will, they believe without Eblis you and I have no freewill, as if that rat bastard the Devil would just stop exist right now, yours and mine freewill will also stop to function for some dumb reason, meaning if Eblis stopped existing right now the whole universe would collapse or not at least function, as if Eblis didnt exist nothing in Gods creation except himself could exist, this is of such high position they see this Satan, and because they say Satan this lunatic is an angel my Christian friends have adopted this concept too, look friends just make good use of your own intellect and ask yourself if God punished these people so many times for their ways, now today when this Synagog of Satan who have taken over the management of the US how will God deal with this Babylon the Great of yours, do you think He will bless it or treat it like He have treated those who fell before His will in the past, I think the past US presidents predicted where this will lead when the USA signed over its independence over to Synagog of Satan, thats the beauty of freewill from Satans perspective when he made you sign it over for him to destroy you with it, how sadistic is that and the Jews say this Satan is doing the Lords will, so the Lord create then to conspire to destroy it all, OH NO the Creator is nothing like that, its more like Satan made the Jews have it written in their books to make himself look innocent and deceive people to their destruction, look I end with this, do yourself a big favor and disregard whatever they have to say, except the anti Zionist Jewish rabbis, because I have seen (them) say Satan is a bastard and shouldnt be listened to, other rabbis those pro Israel those Zionist rabbis they have another warmer opinion about the whole subject, they see Satan as a dear close follower of the Lord, no wonder why they follow that idea, they are blind within themselves wondering in their own dark.
Look my American friends, you want your sovereignty your independence back ? there is only one say, take back what you handed over to Synagog of Satan followers before its too late, just take it back ! and tell the Shmulies and the Shapiros to leave America go down there and protect their military outpost from there if they love it so much, and we will see them there to talk things over, you know "talk" things over hehe.
