Pope Francis's call for talks to end Ukraine War | Inside Story

He is not as dumb as he looks, I also dont think he is doing this not out of his pure heart, his heart if its still beating is not made of what yours is made of, I think the reason he said what he said is because first of all he fears Russia to come out victorious so he wants Ukraine to come out relatively harmless out of the mess they have created because they know Russia will make Ukraine a landlock lesser of an entity to lesser the threat it poses to Russia, I think the Pope knows what this is heading to so of course he has to warn the Nazi Zionists in Ukraine, I think this is whats going on here not that he proposed it out of his peaceful point of a view because if if that would be the case he would have come out long before this happened and engaged both parties to never take to these measures, again I lost the little respect I had for him when he went to visit Sistani of Najaf in Iraq, then I understood that they both are on the same side of things, anyways it will be interesting to see who will take over after him the former pope fled his post after a year, thats a smart man, he knew whats about to happen so he packed up said adios and left the scene the guy.
