PTSD & Perspective on Motaz Controversy #israelpalestineconflict

Wise words I was thinking about this myself in fact I have spoken about it throughout the years when I and many others spoke about how the Zionist Israelis systematically tried to culturally murder the Palestinians by depriving them to things like education and just having a normal calm lives, of course they all suffer from PTSD and humiliation in all forms, the Zionist Israelis knew what they were doing because they are sons and daughters of Satan, Synagog of Satan, they teach their children to have other children murdered, who else teach genocide to their children other than the Synagog of Satan, I think war veterans and their family members should have extra sympathy for all Palestinians because no one else are more familiar and suffered from PTSD other than the whole Palestinian population, think about this a little bit more, all war veterans need to be on the side of the Palestinian people, be on their side and God will be pleased do not side with the Synagog of Satan or you will have the curse of God on you, the Palestinians are the children of Israel not the Khazars, they are the imposters described by the Christ in the Bible !!! why cant you see it for what it is ?
