Public displays of Islam sparking right-wing backlash | Muslims Uncensored

I dont like it either, I dont like when you put your faith right in the face of people in this case your Islam, although it must be mentioned that its a small a bit fanatical group that does this, mainly those who supported ISIL in the past or perhaps they still do I dont know, the fact that these people dont understand how much damage they are doing to actual Islam by yes forcing a whole bunch of people view Islam in a negative lenz I mean if I saw a bunch who dressed like that looked like that occupying a piece of land at some public place doing what they do I wouldnt like it if I didnt know who they are, a small cult like group, I want to assure my non Muslim friends that do not fear, they pose no danger of imposing their belief on anyone, I understand you dont like it trust me 90% of the Muslims dont like them either and only a fraction of that 10% would do what they are doing so I would just ignore them but I do feel you, I wouldnt want to see that too, in fact I wouldnt like to hear call for prayers in western countries, the good thing in Islamic countries is you hear call to prayers in a controlled manner with one major mosque announcing call to prayers, yet we have one or two Islamic countries where each neighborhood mosque competing with each other who can be the loudest and I think its just gone crazy, somebody reminds them of what God told them in the Quran not to go to extremes in faith or in anything, I think its something of an extreme when each neighborhood mosque try to out sound the other, its extreme to the point that you dont understand what anyone says anymore, one faith regardless of what that is a personal matter, sure I dont mind church bells ringing but when hundreds ring at the same time thats extreme, one or two is fine not hundreds, I can share an experience I had in Qom where Lady Masumeh has her shrine Iran not long ago, I stayed at this motel for a week and lucky me that week was the time of the year to honor her, the motel I was at was where the Pakistani Shias flocked to that week, I mean thousands of Pakis who 24hours a day were repeating the same sounding nashid a religious chanting on powerful speakers right outside where I was, this nashid the rhythm of it is repeating the same words over and over again with their chest beating on tape, it was on audio loud the same sound over and over again and I was going insane over it and I want to think I want to see myself very tolerant and resilient but I was going crazy hearing the same chants over and over again and I thought to myself if a Sunni would have seen and been in my situation he would have gone on killing people right there blowing himself up and taking some of these with him to their Maker and claimed insanity when he stood before the Lord questioned why he killed that many people that day, who knows he could have got off the hook too, kidding he wouldnt the point is it was so extreme even I thought what the hell man what is this this is not the Islam prescribed in the Holy Quran, perhaps I should post it after this so you get a better clew how bad it was so you can make up your own minds, the Persians have a saying, the jews are to Moses the Christians are to Jesus and the Muslims to Mohammad may peace and blessings be upon them all and me too for having to be forced going through that ordeal that week and may God forbid if you have to go through it too God as my witness, it was terrible, keep it light keep it to yourself and dont bother people be good civilized ambassadors of your faiths it shouldnt be that hard one would think but apparently it is for too many out there, these are strange times we have the extreme Jews with their ethnic cleansing yet crying crocodile tears acting as victims then we have extreme Christians who cannot wait to start Armageddon killing both the Jews and the Muslims and we have these extremists Muslims who wants to kill everyone including Muslims and on the other hand we have these extremist Hindus who are willing to give their lives to the Zionist Israelis who want to burn up their cow god, I dont know what to make of it all anymore mankind is indeed these glorified apes about to pull the trigger on itself it seems going down in history to be the dumbest monkeys ever walked this planet.
