Russia: US, UK, and Ukraine Behind Moscow Attack, Not ISIS

A Muslims from childhood from the day you start feeding yourself and go to bathroom on your own are taught, you eat with your right hand and wash your behind with your left hand, so you never ever eat with your left hand and wash your behind with your right hand, and you also are told to enter a house with your right foot first and of course when you say your Shahada pledge your alliances to God you do it with your right hand, doing it in reverse means you are making mockery of the commandments, its the worst thing you can do and that was exactly what these Zionist thugs were doing, they were making mockery of it, meaning they follow not God of Abraham but someone else, the Devil, that what it means, and judging from what they did I'll say they must have follow the dark path which they clearly did, the Luciferians hired them.
