Scott Ritter: Russia Beats NATO; Israel Beating Itself

I agree with the Judge and Scott then I would also add something to what the critics of the Russian elections by saying, there were three other candidates on the ballot, if the Russians would have been dissatisfied with President Putin as candidate like in other countries the Russians to protest against him would have cast their votes for the other candidates in protest, but they didnt when they could, and I dont think anyone would argue there were irregularities around the election, or I havent heard anything, so this mean the elections were fair and the Russian people made a conscience decision and voted for the person who they wanted, with 87% that is, President Putin is super popular with the Russian people and I only respect a leader who the population of a country actually supports, this means the man must do something right over there otherwise he wouldnt have had that kind of respect, I therefor trust the Russian people with the decision they made, again I think we the world citizens must support the leaders whose people support especially with that kind of numbers, you as a leader ! you want my respect try get that kind of numbers and regardless of what I will and billions of others will also support you, and let me give you a hint of how to get that kind of numbers, you need to speak of peace and sense so that you can earn the respect of your people first, when you earn their respect you have earned mine too, thats the way it works brother because with that kind of approval ratings it means you are serving your people well and thats always what counts first, your people, they count first not you.

Great show Judge Nap, I love the weekly round table guests, and everything else too, everything is nice !
