SELLOUT: Ilhan Omar Says She Will Vote For Genocide Joe, Backstabs Gaza ...

Wow what a despicable still human being she is, I bet 90% of those who voted for her strongly disagrees with her, she need to be voted OUT and her reputation has to be thrown in the garbage where she belongs long side all other traitors, look I have been saying this for longest time, just because you wear a lady style turban on your head doesnt mean you are righteous in fact often times it means you are corrupted in one way or another it goes for the Jews as well with most of them wearing their hanukkahs just look at that piece of work Ben Shapiro, these two characters arent they two side of the same butt cheeks like a wise man said the day before last week, of course they are, they are there to serve themselves first then the party which provides with the means for them to keep staying corrupt because thats the where their dark overlords wants them to be at next to their spineless piers.
The blood of Palestinian civilians are on her hands now.
