Seven people charged for the attack on a concert hall near Moscow

I wouldnt call it torture, they got a bit roughed up in the heat of the battle for their arrest, they just killed 180 innocent people, a little bit of beating is just a small taste of what they deserve for what they have done for money, mercilessly murdering innocent defenceless people in my view deserve life in prison in the worse conditions with weekly lashes, that would be nothing compared to what awaits them when they are sent to Hell, I wouldnt want to be them there, an eternity of agony and pain awaits them, the proper thing to do, the humane thing to is just to execute them, because what I said earlier to lash them and all that is actually not the correct humane thing to do, we must be better than that, we must not take pleasure in torturing anyone, hanging them or behead them with a sword is actually the humane thing to go about it, release them of their misery quickly, thats what I would have done, but I wouldnt call it torture for those who arrested them when they threw a few punches at them, thats fully understandable, its not like they are innocent people accused of terrorism sold for money to those corrupt politicians who wants to score political points by having also innocent people arrested having them waterboarded and used other actual means of torture and worse having innocent people humiliated, these human devils are something else, a little bit of beating is ok in my view, and have you all noticed something, all these crazies are ugly as hell, whats up with that, I guess their ugly appearances reflect on how even uglier they are inside, again I believe they are criminal mercenaries, we know as a matter of fact many Jihadis from Iraq and Syria ended up fighting for money for Ukraine, we have seen the footages of the fact, these four are not different, hired killers for money as those who hired them regardless what they call themselves, because no real Mujahedeen would commit even such crimes during Ramadan, these human devils and those behind them can claim whatever they want, they dont fool us, we know what they are, thugs and criminals who would do anything for money thats all they are and now they are going to be sent to Hell and drink the Hell version of Koolaid and have 72 demon virgins to work them over for eternity. 
